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Skeletonwithapen is online
Dunshine is online

Skeletonwithapen: Hey Jishwa.
Dunshine: Hi love.
Skeletonwithapen: I had fun yesterday.
Dunshine: Me too, it was sick.
Skeletonwithapen: sick as frick babe.
Dunshine: How did you come up with that story so quickly?
Skeletonwithapen: pfft, that was nothing. I always have a story ready if we are avoiding press.
Dunshine: Seriously!? Cool what's the next one?
Skeletonwithapen: Sorry guys we can't talk we are in a rush Josh's parents invited us to dinner wouldn't want to be late. Besides Momma Dun would be mad if you kept one of her kiddos from eating.....  U like?
Dunshine: Okay that's like super believable. How are you so good at this?
Skeletonwithapen; I used to skip class in high school to take my self defense classes and I claimed it was a family emergency.
Dunshine: Oh okay.
Dunshine: I think Ty and Jenna are asleep.
Skeletonwithapen: It's fine let them sleep that gives us time to talk.
Dunshine: Okay, uh. What's your story?
Skeletonwithapen: wow big question Josh.
Dunshine: sorry u don't have to tell me, I came off too strong didn't I.
Skeletonwithapen: Babe calm down its alright.
Skeletonwithapen: But you wanted my story sooooo...
I was born on July 13th, 1989 (sorry if that's not your birthday it's just the day I'm writing this year modified) My parents named me (Y/F/N) they loved me for the time being. When I was about five my mother and father started fighting my dad being an alcoholic and my mom being a substance abuser my grandmother took care of me. My dad left my mom about two months before I turned six, she tried her best to be there for me but then kinda just gave up, she tried to support us with help from my grandmother. Fast forward two years I'm now eight and my dad steps back in my mom has a boyfriend and things are looking up. My mom was driving to pick her boyfriend up from work when she gets in a car crash. A lady was texting and slammed into my mom at 70mph crushing her car against a tree dislocating every single disc in her neck and back. She became a couch potato and crawled into a hole of darkness, shutting me out almost entirely. My dad was diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer. Seven months later he died and my mom was being abused that's also the time I started hearing voices. Well my mom tried to kill herself which scared me, I went to therapy trying to focus on school work and stuff but I would come home and cry.
I was now 14 it was 2003 and my sister had two kids who she would pay me to baby sit so I could help keep my mom and I on her feet. Everything was blithe for the next six years and then self-titled came out that's when I found tøp and that's when I started going to college to be a cop. I got my bachelors degree and immediately got accepted into the police academy, graduating top of my class but still an underdog. Then after vessel came out I saved money for three things. An apartment, a dog, and tickets to five different concerts. Then at the Twenty One Pilots concert I went to this boy with baby blue hair and soft brown eyes ran into me back stage spilling Pepsi on me and I asked him for his kik name as a form of forgiveness. That boy has changed my life and I love him.
Dunshine: I'm crying if you can't hear me, I love you too. (N/ N) you are my everything. And damn that must've been really hard to type.
Skeletonwithapen: That's my story. You asked for it. But I love you more.
Skeletonwithapen: I'm bored you wanna play 10 questions?
Dunshine: Sure.
Dunshine: you ask the questions.
Skeletonwithapen: What's your favorite song?
Dunshine: TB Saga.
Skeletonwithapen: of course it is.
Skeletonwithapen: Do you ship Ryden
Dunshine: Duh, I wrote 'I AM RYAN ROSS's DADDY' on Brendon.
Skeletonwithapen: lol ok
Skeletonwithapen: Besides my personality what's your favorite thing about me?
Dunshine: So many things but my favorite thing about you has to be your voice.
Skeletonwithapen: Okay. Scariest thing you've ever Dun?
Dunshine: Was that a pun? It was. To answer your question the scariest thing I have ever 'dun' is start a splash war with u.
Skeletonwithapen; Joshua I'm being serious.
Dunshine: Oh well uh probably take you on a date or ask you out. I was scared you would say no.
Skeletonwithapen: You know I would never say no to you.
Dunshine: Aww thanks baby.
Skeletonwithapen: Worst thing that happened to you?
Dunshine: Anxiety. Plain and complex.
Skeletonwithapen: Understandable. Okay now you ask me questions.
Dunshine: That was only five, You know what never mind.
Dunshine: Favorite thing about me. Besides personality.
Skeletonwithapen: the same question? Okay oooh it's between your hair, tattoo (sleeve) and your smile.
Dunshine: Yes same questions except for like two. And you have to tell meeeee.
Skeletonwithapen: Okay it's the way that when you smile it goes to your eyes and they are so full of happiness and light and the way that your eyes and nose crinkle when you smile or laugh that makes my heart melt for you every single time.
Dunshine: Cheesy but cute.
Skeletonwithapen: Next Q
Dunshine: Second favorite band.
Skeletonwithapen: (Second favorite band) next.
Dunshine: Biggest fear?
Skeletonwithapen: (Biggest Fear)
Dunshine: Scariest thing that's happened to you.
Skeletonwithapen: (D/N) had a seizure that's The one thing I'm willing to tell.
Dunshine: m'kay why did you fall in love with me?
Skeletonwithapen: Jesus the reasons are endless but if you want me to simplify it. You are you and I love you for that. Nothing will ever change that no matter what.
Dunshine: You are literally the best person ever for saying that.
Skeletonwithapen: I love you Joshua 💖💘
Dunshine: I love you too (Y/ N) <3 <3 goodnight
Skeletonwithapen: goodnight my sunshine.

(A/N): So that was cute and you finally got your background which was kinda sad.
Stay hopeful friends

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