Silence (No not the album.)

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I really need Tøp off of the damn hiatus like I understand they need a break I can completely respect that but has it driven me insane....YES IT FUCKING HAS!
((I still love and respect them though glad they're enjoying their time off.))

The rest of that night my baby girl was crying and I couldn't help at all she just built up this emotional barrier and I couldn't break it. Her own husband couldn't break it. Pathetic. I thought, sometimes thinking is bad but my sub conscious had a point, I was supposed to be there when (Y/N) broke down and I am sitting here clueless.

The flight back she had finally stopped crying but, she hasn't spoken to me or anyone for that matter. When we were at breakfast this morning I had to practically force feed her. "Baby speak to me please." I pleaded with her in the car driving to her house in Ohio.


"Sweetheart which street is it again?" I knew perfectly well which street she lived on all I wanted was a reply. To my dismay she only pointed left. "Thank you." I say quietly my words only receiving a mere nod. I pull into (Y/N)'s drive way and I can see her trying not to cry. "I know you don't want to do this baby, I'm here for you okay."

She shot me a glare and it felt as if her (E/C) eyes were ripping my skin apart, her features softened and she got out of the car. I did the same walking over and hugging her, I want to protect her from everything.

I want to take her pain away.

She doesn't deserve this.

Why isn't she speaking?

Josh shut up her mom just died don't be rude.

I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and walked up to the front door, knocking twice I watched my wife's face go from sad and lost to strong and confident. Her sister, Elizabeth, opened the door. "Elizabeth, God I'm so sorry for not being here sooner." (Y/N) said pulling her sister into an embrace, meanwhile I stood off awkwardly to the side. "Come inside I mean it is your house." Elizabeth said stepping to the side so we could walk in.

(D/N) ran and jumped up on (Y/N) and for a millisecond I saw her smile a real smile. "Hey girlie did ya miss me?" Surprisingly the dog barks in 'response', we all share a small laugh before an unsettling silence sets in.

"So do they know why she died?" (Y/N) asks sitting on the couch (D/N) jumping on her lap. "Yeah they said it was small cell neuro-cancer stage four, killed her in three days." Elizabeth sighed sitting next to her sister, I felt very awkward during this whole situation. "So can we cover funeral expenses?" (Y/N) asked fiddling with her wedding ring. "Oh yeah that's not a worry the funeral is already planned and paid for." My wife let out a breath of relief, "Well let's not let the entire day be grim." (Y/N) Says getting up and heading into the kitchen, I hear a few things clatter together.

What in the world is she doing

"Coffee anyone it's French Press." I chuckled as I remember that was one of the things we both loved.

"Me." Liz and I both said causing the three of us to burst into a small fit of laughter. Seven minutes later we all had a cup of coffee in our hand and I was scrolling through a range if social media sites. I clicked on buzz feed and read their headline article, nearly choking on my coffee.

Tyler Joseph Found Dead.
It is tragic to find this morning lead singer of  the band Twenty One Pilots was found dead, the death was reported suicide. We will give you more details as they surface, rest peacefully Tyler.

"That's bullshit this is a new low for media."  I got a strange glance from my wife, I guess I said that aloud. "Look at this, it's ridiculous." I say showing (Y/N) the article  as she reads it I see her glare sharpen practically piercing my phones screen.

"I am going to choke whoever the hell made this dammed thing." I smirked at my wife knowing she probably would given the chance then a thought occurred to me.

I need to call Tyler and make sure this is a fake.

"Babe can I see my phone I need to call our dead friend." (Y/N) hands over my phone chuckling at my words. I call Tyler and he picks up after two rings.


Hey Josh.

Tyler, hey thank God you aren't dead.

Oh I see the buzz feed article has surfaced

Yeah I thought it was a fake but I wanted to call for good measure

Thanks man.  Surprised your phone isn't blowing up the clique is pissed, my notifications this morning woke Jenna and I both up. As far as I know I am not dead.

Hence the reason I silence my notifications and you should probably post something saying you aren't dead so the clique doesn't die.

Yeah but did you read how fast the clique jumped on the article's publisher, I kinda felt like I had my own personal security.

Whatever Tyjo just calling to check on ya, do we have any gigs soon?

Yep we have one in a month.

Okay thanks Tyler bye.

Bye Josh.

"Well that's settled, Tyler is alive obviously." I said taking my cup of coffee to the sink.

"Babe I am going to get our suitcases from the car." (Y/N) calls out from in the living room. "Okay." with that she walks out, "Josh can I talk to you?" Elizabeth said sounding suddenly very serious. "Uh sure." Liz dragged me by the wrist into the backyard.

"Listen, I need you to make sure my sister is okay, I know she is acting strong for me and after the funeral she is going to be silent for about a month that's just my sisters way of coping." Elizabeth rushes out her words looking me dead in the eye and I nod. "Josh seriously my sister means so much to me, we were there for each other through it all. If I lost her I wouldn't function properly, I need you to make sure she doesn't try anything."

"Okay Liz I won't let anything happen to her I swear." I say now worried of what might happen. "Thank you Josh, you might be the best thing that has happened to her." I smile at the compliment. We walk back inside I see my lovely wife walk upstairs, I follow behind her and see her staring at a picture.

"Hey Sweetheart, how you holding up?" I wrap my arms around her torso leaning my head on her shoulder. She just shrugs, oh how the silence kills me. I look down at the picture frame she is holding it's a picture of her sister, her mom, a man who is presumably her dad and her all sitting on a park slide.

What (Y/N) spoke next were the last three words she spoke for the next week and those words kept replaying over and over in my head.

I miss them.

Okay so I hope  I can get the next chapter up soon. Did I make your 'mom' die from cancer so I could add the original cancer in the next chapter, yes and I have no shame stab me with your pitchforks. I dare you, just kidding I love you guys but the next two(?) chapters might be emotional  for some.

Stay hopeful friends 😊💖
👻🎃👽💀 spooky season is here
-Rhea signing off

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