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{Jenna} surprise mother flufflers that picture above tho.

I was looking over the song list
Stressed Out
Guns for hands
Ode to Sleep
The Run and go
Holding on to you
We don't believe what's on TV
Not today

The crowd is going cry. Plain and simple but I honestly wonder how the crowd is going to react to (Y/ N) being in the band singing with Tyler, the fans seem really accepting of her and that's great. You can see the energy radiating off of the three of them on stage Tyler runs around a lot, Josh does more back flips and he is less shy with fans. And well I'm glad I love watching my three favorite people do what they love. "Twenty One Pilots on in two!" A crew member calls ripping me from my thoughts. I jogged down to the pit.

Josh and I ran onstage and Tyler was already at the top of the stage. The crowd went insane, "Hey guys!" Tyler said from his microphone the crowd continued screaming. "Shhh, I have a really important announcement." Tyler said calming the crowd. "So (Y/N) has been singing with me the past few shows and I finally decided along with Josh that she could be a part of the band, What do you guys think." The crowd screamed 'yes' and Tyler looked down at me. "Anything you wanna add?" I looked up at him and then the fans. "Nah not really except for thank you so much and who's ready to get this concert started!" Whoops and cheers went up as Tyler and I started stressed out.

A few songs later Josh came out of his drum nest shirtless, sweaty and hot but that's besides the point he ran up and leaned over the edge of the stage letting the crowd touch his arm and high fiving fans. He stood up walked by me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Tyler and I were jumping around and the crowds energy was giving us even more energy. We started we don't believe what's on t.v.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Tyler and I faced each other and his smile was so big it could fall off his face. "We don't believe what's on TV because it's what we want to see and what we want we know we can't believe we have all learned to kill our dreams. I need to know that when I fail you'll still be here," Tyler was looking directly at Jenna how cute. "Cause if you stick around I'll sing you pretty sounds and we'll make money selling your hair." I took a quick breath and glanced at Josh my drummer boy. "Yeah yeah yeah, alright second verse."........

The concert ended and Tyler, Josh and I were all covered in sweat and out of breath when Jenna runs up and hugs us all. "You guys killed it tonight the fans loved it." She said her smile going into her eyes. "Thanks Jenna." I say kindly "Boys don't you have fans to meet?" I say grabbing Jenna by the arm and darting for the tour bus. "Oh no you don't." Josh yells grabbing me by my waist and dragging me back. "But Jiiisssh." I try to escape meeting fans. "But nothing." Tyler says firmly, I shrug and prepared to be swarmed as security let's the line of fans in.

~Time skip~

"Nice meeting you too have a good night." I say to a really sweet kid all she wanted was a picture and a hug from the three of us. "Thanks guys that was really fun." I thank the boys for forcing me to stay. "See it's not that bad to meet fans, but I am done with pictures for the day." Josh says running a hand through his hair.
"Josh please put your shirt back on." Tyler says I coughed awkwardly and spoke up. "Can we get celebratory Taco Bell?" Josh jumped up and Tyler went off to go get Jenna. "The nearest Taco Bell is like two blocks away we could just walk." I tell Josh. He nods.

"You did great tonight (Y/N) The fans loved you, I'm proud of you." I hug him, "Thanks dad." I say sarcastically. Josh looks at me and smirks, "You forgot the last two letters. D and Y. Now what does that spell princess?" I sigh and punch him playfully. "It spells daddy, but I ain't you calling you daddy." Josh just pouts and I would be lying if I said it wasn't adorable.

"What was that I heard?!" Tyler says walking in his arm linked with Jennas. "Nothing Joseph, you need to get your hearing checked." I chuckled. "Tyler stop teasing (Y/ N) it's not nice." Tyler took two steps back and cleared his throat. "You two are acting like we are your children I swear." I agree honestly but then many thoughts hit my head. "Eww Tyler don't say that that means you're married to 'mom' and I am dating 'dad' I personally don't think insest is right." I say speaking my thoughts, Tyler cringed Josh and Jenna burst into fits of laughter.

"Can we just get Taco bell we all need showers and it's midnight." I say already walking in the direction of Taco Bell. Josh jogged up behind me and put me on his back making me squeal. "Ah, Josh put me down please." He shakes his head. "Not gonna happen." I think of things that would make him put me down. "Josh if you don't put me down I won't sing anymore." I say hopefully he doesn't pick up my guilt trip. "Nope you are only trying trick me."
"Ugh. Fine but, why are you carrying me?" I ask, "Mmm because I want to." I roll my eyes and slouch on his back.
He just smiles.

{Josh }
I smile triumphantly and trek to food paradise.
Setting (Y/ N) on the ground so she could walk in, my stomach did tiny flips when our hands brushed, We've been dating for eight months now and she still has that affect on me.

Stay hopeful friends

Edit: Okay before I say anything else. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!  153 reads does not seem like a lot to most but I didn't expect this book to get 20 reads so thanks a lot

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