Last Show (Again)

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Tonight was the boys last show and in a sense My Chem's first in a while. Both Tyler and Josh seemed distant today but I guess it's just nerves, Jenna, Tyler and Josh all seem very jumpy like they are hiding something. Probably something to wow the fans tonight. Although considering I'm in the band you think I would know but that's just the way they roll.

I walked backstage to go see Josh and see if he was okay, I walked by Mark who waved and I smiled saying a simple "Sup Mark." and he stopped abruptly, "(Y/N) MCR's bus is supposed to be here any minute now." I felt a smile appear on my face.  "Thanks Mark!" I say picking up my pace to Josh's dressing room. I walk in seeing the door open.

"Hey Jishwa." He jumped like a good two feet off of the couch. "Jesus Christ (Y/N) you scared me." Josh said sounding distressed. "Sorry Josh I was just coming to see if you were okay." I said rubbing my arm nervously. "Yeah sweetheart I'm fine I guess it's just nerves Tyler and I both have them it's just I really really don't want to mess tonight up." He said sitting back down with a sigh, patting the spot next to him. I sat down hugging him trying to comfort him.

"You know I really do love you baby." Josh said kissing the top of my head. "I love you more." I say kissing his lips for a quick second. "Not possible." He says once we pull away.  Air brakes screeched making me look up, "Joshua their here let's go! " I say grabbing his hand and running into the parking lot.

I stopped running as soon as I saw the exit but that was only to catch my breath. I watched the bus with Josh by my side as the door opened and the people I haven't seen in four years walked off. They all looked kinda confused as to where they should go so I called out to them. "Guys over here." Gerard was the first to turn around and then the guys followed in suit.

"(Y/N) long time no see Huh?" Gerard asked I just rolled my eyes and hugged him. "Missed you too Gee." I said and then decided it was a good idea to introduce Josh. "Um guys this is my boyfriend Josh, Josh this is Gerard and Mikey Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro and this is Bob Bryar." I say surprised I said that in one breath. "Hello guys, pleasure to meet you." He shook hands with the guys and I continued to hug the guys, Mikey being the last person I hugged.

"Hey Mikester, haven't talked in a while how are you?" I was thinking about ruffling his hair when I realized he's taller then me...  Since when though?  "When did you get taller than me?" he chuckled "I think I've been taller than you for a while I'm 5'10 and you're only 5'6." Mikey grabbed his guitar case and jogged to catch up with Gerard and the rest of the group meanwhile I stayed behind with Josh.  "So what do you think?" I ask Josh. "Honestly I don't know how to feel about Mikey."

"Josh he is like a brother to me I highly doubt that he would try anything especially since he's engaged." I say wrapping my arm around his torso walking back to his dressing room. "Okay if you say so." Josh says kissing the top of my head.

~one hour before the show~

Josh Pov

I didn't feel too sure about the Mikey kid but I trust (Y/N). Between the idea if proposing tonight, a gigantic crowd and the idea of Mikey trying something had fried my nerves. I felt something rise in the back of my throat and quickly threw my hands to cover my mouth as I ran to the restroom, emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. A knock sounds at the door. "Hey Josh you good in there bro?" It was Tyler, Oh God I hope he doesn't go get (Y/N) she can't see me like this. "Yes Tyler I'm fine just ate something bad." I hated lying to Tyler. "Okay well whenever you feel better come out to sound check." With that he left and I leant against the door sighing when, yet another knock could be heard.

"Hey Joshie it's me let me in please." I internally groaned and then once again threw up. The door was unlocked and I guess (Y/N) figured that out because she opened the door. "Oh gosh Josh what's wrong baby." She asked I could hear clear concern lacing her voice. I regurgitated once more and (Y/N) sat down next to me rubbing small circles on my back. "Baby you can lean on me if you want I know the wall isn't too comfy." She's so kind to me I took her up on her offer and leant against her chest.

"Now tell me what's wrong." (Y/N) said running her fingers through my hair. "Honestly sweetie it's my nerves I'm really scared for tonight." I was telling the truth just not in detail. "Oh Josh, it's okay to be nervous but I'm positive the crowd will love you they always do, and before you say anything else you won't mess up whatever happens tonight it will leave everyone feeling a new emotion I don't know what emotion I hope a good one." (Y/N) hugged me and I had never felt more calmed in my lifetime. "I love you so much." I said placing my hand on top of hers which, was lying on my chest. "I love you too." I turned to kiss her but she stopped me.  "Uh-uh Mister you need mouthwash." she said sassily. I chuckled and stood up grabbing the mouthwash and pouring some into the cap. "Here is a wash cloth to wipe your face." After washing my face and  washing out that horrible taste of bile, I kissed (Y/N) and we ran out to sound check.

After sound check

(Y/N) pov
I just took in the appearance of the boys after soundcheck, they were in the red suits that looked amazing on the both of them. If they were feeling fancy maybe I should too,  I slipped into a navy blue knee length dress, it kinda matched Jenna's. "Twenty One Pilots on in two! " a stage manager called out and the four of us gathered in Tyler's dressing room. "Boys and (Y/N) tonight is a big night, knock em dead." Jenna said giving all of us a thumbs up. "Thanks Jenna." and with that we all ran onstage with the intro to heavydirtysoul playing.

About half way through the set the lights on stage dimmed and 'Oh Ms. Believer' started playing

I was thinking aware we were playing this song.

Jenna walked out on stage and sat next to Tyler who was playing piano. "What the hell is going on?" I muttered away from the mic so nobody heard me. Josh stood up from his drum 'nest' and walked over to me grabbing me by the waist that's when I realized.... Josh was singing.. He was singing our song.

He let go of my waist backed up a couple of steps then got down on one knee. Oh my God he's proposing, I clasped my hands over my mouth trying not to pass out. Josh began speaking,

"(Y/N) though we've only been dating for about a year and a few months, I don't think I've felt this much love for someone in this short of time and I couldn't really wait any longer. You've been my 'Ms.Believer' through a lot of stuff and I think I would like you better as Mrs. Dun so (Y/F/N) will you marry me?"

When Josh finished talking he had tears brimming his eyes and I was full on crying tears of joy his words meant so much.

"Yes Josh of course, yes!" 

I was ecstatic and I think the crowd was reaching the sound barrier but, as soon as Josh kissed me everything besides him melted away. I poured ever single damn emotion I had for this man into this kiss. Love, angst, sadness, sympathy, respect, fear, compassion and every other imaginable emotion when we pulled away he whispered in my ear. "I love you." I smiled "I love you so so much Joshua." I said this with so much happiness I thought my heart would implode, explode and combust all at the same time. Then Tyler made the moment 10 times better.

"You stole my man! Not fair." He fake pouted but it didn't work well considering he was smiling. I grabbed my microphone. "To be fair Joseph you did steal my girl." I said jokingly because people started shipping Jenna and I.

"Well guys how was that for a show?" Tyler asked and the fans all screamed.  I interjected Tyler "Then you guys wouldn't mind a little of My Chemical Romance?" The crowds' faces had two emotions confused and in shock.  "Then Gerard better get his guys out here!!" I say and Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob all run onstage.

As Twenty one pilots walked off stage Mikey and Gee said congrats along with Frank and Ray.

Guys I'm so shook fall out boy is performing in Houston Nov. 5th I think also I hope everyone who sat through hurricane Harvey recovers quickly stay safe stay strong stay alive and stay hopeful friends 💖😁

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