2 Months Later

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I woke up and like the past week I had been throwing up only in early morning and when I ate spicy food. "Babe I don't think it's just a stomach bug." Josh said from outside the bathroom door. "No shit Sherlock, I think we should consider looking at something..." I trailed off at the end of my sentence unsure of how Josh would react.

"Like what?" Josh questioned softly. "Possibly a pregnancy test?" I said barely above a whisper, nothing was said after that for the next two minutes which scared the crap out of me. "Josh?" I asked honestly wondering if he was still there and my answer awaited on the other side of the door. "Okay, be back in five minutes." Josh said calmly which shocked me like all hell.

Like he said he was back in five minutes and I had three pregnancy tests in my hand, doing what was necessary for the results I waited for about three minutes on each.







Holy fuck, I'm pregnant with Josh's kid. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh of fear or joy. How would Josh react? It wasn't his fault I was pregnant, oh wait, well yeah it kind of is. Three knocks sounded at the door.

"You alright baby girl?" Josh said and I could hear the quavering in his voice. I gulped down and felt my throat tighten and constrict, like I was being strangled by fear.

"H-hey Joshua can y-y-you come in?" I wanted and kind of needed him to know that he was going to be a dad and that he only had to wait about six and a half more months.

The door opened and Josh walked through as expected "Babe what's up, did it come back negative?" Josh asked tenatively and I shook my head willing tears not to spill.
"We are going to be parents?" Josh inquired nearly jumping from what I hope was excitement. I nodded meekly and Josh picked me up off the floor, hugging me.

"Babe we are gonna be parents!" Josh cheered and I smiled so glad he was accepting of the fact. I just sat there in Josh's arms content with everything.

Time skip (you guys are going to hate me)

I was watching TV with Josh when my phone started ringing. I got up and walked to grab it off the kitchen counter, it was Mikey calling me.


"(Y/N), G-Gee is drunk again, I'm scared." Mikey said his voice wavering, I instantly feel horrible. Mikey is crying now, I can tell he's trying to hide it.

"I'll be there in ten minutes Mikes."

I looked at Josh and he looked so confused. I mouthed 'Urgent' to him and he nodded. I ran and grabbed my keys and a pair of clothes knowing I would most likely be staying the night.

"Baby where are you going?" Josh asked nervously obviously unsettled by the air of the situation.
"Gerard's drunk, Mikey's afraid he's going to try something stupid. Hopefully I'll be back tonight, love you babe."

With that I was out the door and in my car in seconds. Speeding to Mikey's house hoping I didn't get pulled over, I had been going 75 miles per hour, that's only 15 miles over the speed limit. I reached Mikey's house in eight minutes and hurriedly knocked on the door, a distressed looking Mikey opened the door.

"He's not opening the bathroom door, please help him." Mikey pleaded and hugged me.

"I'm going to Mikes, you go sit down, Okay he's going to alright." I lead Mikey to the couch and ran to the upstairs restroom.

Fake your death is not the song to be playing right now (No one does... This chapter)

Quietly tapping the door I waited for a response.

"Go.. away Mikey!" Gerard yelled, his speech was so slurred I barely understood him.

I swallowed every emotion that built up in my throat and spoke with a calm and controlled voice. "Gerard, it's me (Y/N); let me in please." I heard Gerard try to stand and assuming he was trying to unlock the door fall. I winced at the thought of Gee getting hurt and then opened the door when I heard the small click.

"Hey Geebear, what's wrong?" I sat next to Gerard rubbing his back.

"Besides everything, nothing?" Gerard spoke bitterly burping mid-sentence.

"Care to elaborate smart-ass?" I asked with a smirk and Gee laughed. Nodding he leaned more into my side and began to talk.

"Lyn-Z and I got into an argument, I think I overreacted. Bandit walked in and she saw us arguing, she started crying when I called Lyn-Z a bitch. I-I made my lit-tle girl cry (N/N). What kind of father makes their kid cry, I feel like a piece of shit and an asshole for yelling at my wife and making them both cry. Why am I always the bad guy?"

Gerard was crying now and all I could really think to do was hug him and let him cry, I don't care that he might feel pathetic relying on me, he needs this.

"Gee, I'm sure Bandit is fine now but, you need to apologize to both of them and possibly sober up first. Oh and you might want to hug your little bro, he thought you were going to try to hurt yourself." I spoke softly making sure to pick my words carefully.

Gerard nodded and stood up splashing water on his face in the sink, making sure it didn't look like he was crying and possibly sobering him up.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked at Mikey, he was sitting on the couch with puffy red eyes.

"Hey Mikes, he's okay now, go see him." I said quickly hugging him tightly and grabbing my keys.

"Hey (Y/N)... Thank you, for everything." I nodded and shouted bye to Gerard, walking out the door. Calling Josh as I got into the car he picked up on the first ring.

Hey sunshine how did everything go

Gerard's okay so is Mikey

That's good, I know how much they mean to you

Yeah, anyways I'm heading back home see ya soon Dunshine

Love ya Sweetie

Love ya more


I drove home quietly when I felt a small kick in my stomach

Sorry for taking forever to update, surprise surprise you and Josh have a kid now. Um yeah please comment. I'm lonely

Stay hopeful friends 😄💜

-Rhea signing off

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