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"Race you to the door!" You exclaimed as Josh unbuckled his seatbelt. "Loser has to buy taco bell!" Josh yelled back as the two of you broke into a run. You slowed down towards the end so you could pay for taco bell feeling bad that Josh decided to pay for the movies. "Ha. You lost." Josh said somewhat out of breath. You walked to get your tickets.
"Can we get two tickets for the 5:20 Power Rangers?" You asked the lady behind the kiosk. "That'll be 14.50 have a good day." She said in a monotonous voice almost robotic. Josh grabbed the tickets in one hand and yours in the other and you two walked to get popcorn and a slushy. (A/N: Anyone remember slushy guys? ) Josh paid for the popcorn and went to butter it and you went to fill up your slushy cup. You meet with Josh at the doors to theater 13 "Let's go, I wanna see previews!" Josh said sounding like a four year old. "Ok c'mon." You said walking to find seats, once you sit down you put your head on Josh's shoulder.
You felt someone staring at you two, you turned so you turned to see a girl with black hair staring at Josh. He is a celebrity people stare all the time you thought. Soon enough the lights dimmed and the movie started

~Time skip to when they play WDBWOTV~ <we don't believe what's on TV.>

"Hey Jish notice something." You whispered quietly "Yeah is this why you wanted to see this movie?" Josh pondered "Yeah." He chuckled softly making you smile once that part was over you got up to refill the popcorn. Once you had sat back down Josh rested one arm across your shoulders faking a yawn you rolled your eyes smiling at his actions. He's so cute and sweet like a kitten a sweet cinnamon roll kitty. You were confused by your random but true thought as the movie ended. Josh threw the popcorn and cup in the trash and walked out hand in hand. You were half way to the car when you realized you forgot your purse. "Josh I forgot my purse I will meet you at the car!" You shout turning and running back into the theater you ran past that girl that was staring at Josh she smiled and waved you did the same. Once you got inside the theater you walked to where you and Josh were sitting and grabbed your purse. "Ha! Found you." You said triumphantly and started jogging back to the car. "Josh I found-" you stopped when you saw Josh shoved against the side of the car with that girl trying to kiss him only he wasn't kissing back. "Get off of me!" Josh yelled she shushed him.

I was walking to the car when I was almost there I was pushed up against the side of it and a girl started attacking my neck and lips leaving one or two hickeys, I wanted to punch her but you don't hit girls unless they have a gun or knife. "Get off of me!" I screamed once I heard (Y/N) then the girl in front of me crumpled to the ground clutching her neck (Y/N) stood there and put her in an arm bar. "Kiss my boyfriend again I dare you." She said venom lacing her words. "I-I-I'm sorry it w-won't happen again." The girl stuttered out. "Better not bitch now leave us the fuck alone." With that (Y/ N) threw her in the grass and got in the car with me. "Oh my God Josh are you okay?" She asked concern and worry in her beautiful (E/C) eyes. "Yeah mostly but I didn't know you were so kick butt." I say still shocked as I subconsciously reach for the bruise on my neck. "What was I supposed to do Dun, let a girl kiss up on my boyfriend." She said in a very serious tone. "No and thank you I don't want to think of what she would be doing if you weren't here." I shudder at the thought how gross. "You still down for taco bell?" I ask wondering if she wants food. "Hell yeah do you even know me." I smile I love her sense of humor. I love her

Stay hopeful friends

Pepsi (A Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now