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I will tag the person who questioned me.

bluberryshake asked
Have you ever listened to Fall Out Boy?

Yes. Since 2013

Emilywantstopanic asked
Tyler, Josh or, Jenna? Also when did you start thinking about writing this book?

Jenna, she is friends with Josh and married to Tyler, although I really don't have a bias I do love them all.

I first thought about writing this book after reading bracistbrendon 's book 'Bleach' it gave me a lot of inspiration and now we are  49 parts into a book I thought wouldn't have ten chapters.

pasteldun03 asked
What's your favorite part about writing this book?

It's honestly between putting in references and reading comments

MerkLurker asked
Do you have any inspiration?

I have a ton, it could be from reading a Josh Dun fic or anything. Everything that I write I process through my brain before I write it. (Anything in this book most likely goes on in my head)

Unicorn_loves_books asked
What is your favorite song at the moment?

This has many stages so I am just going to do a song off of every album of my favorite artists.

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge: My Chemical Romance - Thank You for The Venom or Interlude

Danger Days: Save Yourself I'll Hold Them Back

Bullets: Headfirst for Halos

Conventional Weapons: Boy Division

Panic! at the Disco
Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die: Nicotine

A Fever You Can't Sweat Out: There's a Good Reason These Tables are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of it Yet

That's a mouthful

Vices and Virtues: Sarah Smiles

Death of a Bachelor: Impossible Year

Twenty One Pilots

RAB: Friend Please

Self-titled: Addict With a Pen

Vessel: Semi-Automatic

BlurryFace: Hometown

Fall Out Boy: (I haven't listened to all of there albums don't sue me)

From Under the Cork Tree: Dance, Dance

Folie a deux: 20 Dollar Nose Bleed

Save Rock and Roll: Is the entire album an answer? Yeah? Okay

American Beauty/American Physco: Jet Pack Blues

Mania: Hold Me Tight Or Don't

Also I'm working on two more books right now Stay Hopeful Friends Rhea is signing off.

Pepsi (A Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now