Chapter 10.

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I stopped talking to Shantelle since the whole incident happened. We'd walk by each other every morning and make subtle glances. Every time I looked into her eyes, I got the courage to apologize, but then I'd always remember I didn't do anything wrong. She dramatically perceived what I said as a jab to her as always and I'm finally not putting up with it. I bet it's weird for people to not see us so close together because we claimed to be best friends. It's amusing how things can change in such a short time due to differences. Though this is normal for her; always getting in disputes with the people she's closest to, then breaking it off with them. I never expected I'd be one of them, but things happen. It might bother me for a while due to our semi close bond we had, but I'll manage to push it to the back of my head. Repression.

At least I didn't have to constantly listen to her ramble off about her personal life and other people she gossiped about. After thinking about all the people she gossiped about, I realize I could be a victim of her trash talking now. I roll my eyes thinking about it. But who cares? If it isn't directed to me, it's not going to be respected by me.

I wipe my forehead. The school cafeteria begins to get warmer as the months go by. It's been Spring for over a month now and it's finally starting to feel like it, which I dislike. I hate warm weather and I hate the way it makes me feel. I ignore everything being said at the table as I'm getting agitated at the heat.

I remove the Jean jacket I'm wearing today, revealing a white short sleeved shirt. I sigh, slouching in my seat. I roll my head around, cracking the bones in my neck loving the feeling of the released tension. A bad habit I got from D.

"Woah, Devyn," Dalvin exclaims, causing me to jump out of my daydream, "Is that a hicky?" He points to my neck with his mouth wide open. I imeadiately start feeling and looking upon the many places of my neck, spotting the medium, dark mark.

I freeze, cursing interally at myself for taking off my jacket, forgetting it was there. Everyone begins staring at me. My eyes glide over each and every person at the table, though I heavily gaze at the person who created the mark. We were at the beach the other day and his kisses began to reach my skin, but it didn't go any further than that. He looks away at the ground scratching his neck. I roll my eyes at his nonchalant nature, knowing he found this to be hilarious.

"Uh.. " I trail off awkwardly, grabbing my jacket.

"Nah uh, don't put that back on now." Malik says obviously amused. "It's too damn hot for that shit anyway."

"Damn, Devyn. I'm hurt." Kobe calmly holds his hands against his chest, faking what I assume a gunshot wound. "That was supposed to be me."

"Devyn! What the hell?" Leila's high pitched voice flows through my ears. She begins touching on my neck, observing me. "This boy is a fucking vampire like me!" She says with a goofy smile. I try to hold back a smile as I look at her in uncertainty about what goes through her mind sometimes.

"Wow." Destiny says.

"Goddamn! He bit the fuck out of your neck! You sure y'all ain't fuck yet?" I hear the excitement from Nay Nay's voice. "Who is this guy, Dev?"

"Who's the lucky guy?" Dalvin asks walking over towards me. I feel his presence behind me and I now begin to feel uncomfortable. I gaze up at him and he innocently smiles at me. "Dalvin, mind your business!" Leila says hitting him lightly.

"I'm just asking what the people want to know." He rubs his stomach, yawning.

"For real because this nigga got some sharp ass teeth. I need me one like this." Nay Nay says while the three of them begin examining my neck. I sit in discomfort, feeling like I'm a statue at an art museum on display. I close my eyes, feeling fingers and other eyes on me. I sigh in annoyance wondering why I'm even friends with them.

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