Mr. Marshall

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A/N: it took me way longer to post this than I wanted to because my laptop screen is broken to bits so I have to hook it up to my tv in order to write and update, but please don't be afraid to tell me what you think. I like to hear your opinions good or bad. :)

Michelle and Jasmine

Michelle squirmed in pain as the woman, now positioned directly next to her, continued with torture her to death. Well, she wasn't really torturing her but that's what it felt like. Michelle chewed down on her lip as the woman spread another generous stripe of wax across her leg before she covered it with a strip. Jasmine is always roping her into stupid activities like this, and the party that she trying to drag Michelle to that night. Some rappers are supposed to be performing at some club and she just has to be there but of course, she doesn't wanna go by herself so Michelle has to go with her.

"And the last one," the woman said softly before she ripped the strip from Michelle's leg. Michelle paid the woman and she left the room. Once she was gone Michelle looked over to her cousin.

"Never again." She said.

"Aww, whatever just feel how smooth your legs are," Jasmine replied.

"Is everything a game to you?" Michelle asked.

Jasmine shook her head. "Not everything, just most you decided on a baby daddy yet?"

"Ew," Michelle made a face. "don't say it like that."

"How else am I supposed to say it? You going to have a baby with someone you've never seen in person. I think that officially falls under the category of a baby daddy. Right along with the deadbeats, the jailbirds, and the rappers with a lot of money."

"Okay firstly, none of what you just said makes any sense. Secondly, the whole reason I'm doing it this way is so I don't have to be bothered with a so-called baby daddy. I can do it on my own and I don't have to worry about visitation, or...or"

"Court dates, child support, other baby mamas, girlfriends, secret wives-"

"Exactly...I won't have to worry about all that shit." Michelle grabbed her purse and the two of them headed out of the salon and to her car. "And since you're asking yes I picked on yesterday."

"So when is this all going down?" Jasmine asked.

"The insemination?"

"eww, I don't want to hear nothing about no semen," Jasmine said.

"That's not what that means clown," Michelle replied. "Insemination is when they put the...stuff in there and hope for a baby."

"So it's not guaranteed?" Jasmine asked.

"Not 100 percent," Michelle answered. "My next appointment is next week on Thursday."

"Wow, that's what are you gonna tell it."

"Tell what?"

"The kid, when he starts to ask about its dad and stuff?" Jasmine asked,

Michelle shrugged. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

"I don't think that answer applies in this situation. You know, one thing about kids is that you have to have all this stuff prepared."

"Well by the time my baby is big enough to ask and really understand I'll have an explanation," Michelle replied.

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