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Note: three chapters in one day cause I messed up and accidentally missed work so I had a whole day to write :) enjoy and tell me what you think guys. 


It's beautiful here. The water is clear and there was always a cool breeze washing through the air. I got out of my bed and started getting ready. There was an activity for us every day and every single day Quavo comes to get me in the morning and then we all go out and do an activity as a family. Well, most of the things I can't do because I'm pregnant but it's still fun watching. Today we're going to go out on a boat.

"You ready?" he asked.

"I'm just hoping that I don't get seasick," I replied.

Hmm, I didn't think about that." He said. "Do you wanna skip? We could hang back on the beach."

"No I'm cool," I said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yup," I replied.

The boat ride was alright, bumpy but alright. I didn't get seasick and what party that happened after was fun. They were a lot more relaxed around me. The questions that they had for me the first time were gone now and they were more relaxed about me being there.

After the party, there was another dinner and after dinner Quavo and I went back to the small house he got for me. I took a shower and climbed into bed. There wasn't a tv in the room but I had my laptop to watch movies on. Quavo climbed into his normal position and lightly placed his head against my stomach. I started the movie but I really wasn't paying attention I was thinking about this whole thing. The whole we shouldn't cross the line thing because let's be honest this isn't a clear and defined line.

I've made it okay for him to hold my hand, lay in my bed and he even has a key to my house that I gave him 'in case of emergency' which is probably never going to happen because he's always there. If he isn't at work he's with me so he doesn't need a key. I let him do anything and everything except for kissing me or touching me sexually. There isn't a line no matter how much I wanna say that there is.

"Hey, you alright?" I looked up and Quavo was staring back at me. He was sitting up in the same position he was the night at my apartment when he kissed me.

"Yeah, just thinking," I said.

"About what?" he asked.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. He inhaled sharply and didn't hesitate to pull away. He nearly fell off the bed he was moving so fast. "I....what about-"

"The line, the stupid line rule that I made up to make myself feel comfortable because I have a deep distrust of most men because of my past. I need to get over that don't you think?" I asked him.

"So, what does that mean?" he asked.

"I know I can't just decide when I do and don't want to be with you so that's not what I mean. I'm just....."

What am I doing? What the fuck am I trying to say? I rubbed my forehead with my hand and sucked in a deep breath. He sat there patiently waiting for me to pull myself together and finish my thought like he always did when I lost grips with myself.

Quavo lifted his hands and grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. "I get it," he said smiling a little. "It's fine I get it."

I moved forward and kissed him again, this time he didn't pull away. His hands fell away from my face and wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him. The kiss escalated quickly and I laid down into a more comfortable position for the both of us. I laid down and he was hovering over me peppering kisses on my lips and planting a trail of kisses down my neck to my collarbone. Suddenly he stopped and moved to look into my eyes.

"I can stop," I looked into his eyes and I could tell that he really didn't want to and I didn't either. "If you're uncomfortable I can stop."

I shook my head. "Don't,"

He chewed down on his bottom lip. I reached up and pushed my fingers into his hair rubbing his scalp with my fingertips. I leaned down and began kissing me again. "You sure about this?" he said into my ear.

I nodded. "Yeah, I am."

I woke up the next morning and it felt like I was still dreaming. I didn't want to get out of bed but I had to because I had to pee and the extra weight on my bladder meant that I couldn't hold my pee. I carefully lifted Quavo's arm and got out of bed. I used the bathroom, washed my hands and quickly went and got back into bed. He was still asleep and once I was back into bed he moved closer to me in his sleep.

There's no line now; not like there never was but there definitely isn't one now that we've slept together.

"Why do you always look so worried when I look at you?" I looked over and Quavo was awake now. Well half awake, he was looking at me through one opened eye while he used the covers to shield his face from the sunlight coming through the window.

"I'm not worried," I said to him. "I'm just thinking again."

I could see the content leave his face when I said that. "You regret it."

"No," I replied. "I was wondering why I ever acted like that in the first place."

"You were scared." He said. "But you don't gotta be, I told you I'm not going nowhere, and I'm not gone do you like he did."

I shook my head. "Let's just enjoy this moment, we shouldn't bring him up no more, let's just enjoy this moment." He smiled and lifted the covers up and threw them on top of me then pulled me close to him under the covers.

"Yeah, let's just enjoy this," he said kissing my lips. 

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