A Field of Flowers

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I was back at home and everyone was having their fun laughing at the situation. The only people that were taking it seriously was me, mama, and Titania. She was sitting across the table from me next to takeoff giving him the evilest stare I had ever seen in my life from her.

"So you mean to tell me you idiots went to a sperm bank because you lost a bet." She pointed at me and I nodded. "And you gave sperm and they accidentally gave it to a woman who has now taken your unborn child and disappeared."

"They weren't supposed to use it," I said to her.

"It's sad that all three of you put together don't equal up to one grown intelligent man," she said.

"I knew it was a bad idea. I said we should have just made him pay or something but takeoff wanted to embarrass him." offset said.

"I wanted to embarrass him not make him a father." Takeoff said.

"Well you've done both," my mam said. "And now you're going to have to fix it."

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked her.

"What, you thought that you were just going to get her get away with my grandchild?" she asked.

"How am I supposed to find her? The doctor's office won't give me her information talking about patient confidentiality." I asked her.

You won't need it." takeoff said. "Aint that her on tv."

I turned around and looked into the living room at the big tv on the wall. Running on the tv was a commercial for a law firm and standing amongst a large group of lawyers was my accidental baby mama. I ran into the living room and grabbed the remote and paused the tv before the commercial went off. I took the number down on my phone and saved it.

"So you just gonna go to the office?" I asked.

"No," he replied. "I know her name is Michelle so imma play this like I know I should."

"And what's that?" my mama asked me.

"Don't worry I'll handle it," I said.


I walked into work the next morning everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. The receptionist had this big goofy smile on her face like she knew something that I didn't. She was trying to make small talk and she never does that. She leaned on her desk and rested her chin in her hands smiling up at me.

"Why is everyone acting so strange this morning?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing." She replied. "No reason."

Something was up and I knew it. It's like when everyone is trying to hide that they're planning to throw you a birthday party and they're trying to keep it a secret but they just don't know that you hat surprises. I brushed it off and walked into my office and I knew why everyone was looking at me like they were hiding something. It's because my office was filled to the brim with boxes and boxes and roses and all different collars. And not the regular kind either they're the ultra-vibrant ones that you see pictures of on the internet and they came in a box that looks like a shoe box.

I found an empty spot on the desk and set my stuff down. "What florist threw up in my office?"

"Somebody sent them for you. Either it's me or you have a secret admirer with a lot of money." I turned to see my boss standing in the door.

"I swear I knew nothing about this," I said to her.

She held up her hands and laughed. "It's not a problem. I'm racking my brain at how you're going to get all of this out of here....is there a card."

I looked at each box until I found a card

From a guy with an attitude that's too big for his body

I rolled my eyes and shoved the card into the side of the box where I had gotten it from. How did he even know where I worked and why the hell was he sending me an entire field of flowers. I sat down in my chair and sucked in a deep breath but before I could let it out my phone started to ring. I picked it up and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello," I said.

"Did you get my flowers?" asked a familiar voice.

"What the fuck," he said. "How did you find out where I work?"

"You know you're on a commercial on tv right." He said. "And you can see you're facing and there's a number to the office. I just called and asked for Michelle and they told me everything I needed."

"Hold on." I got up from my chair and closed the door then went back and pressed the speaker button on the phone. "What the hell do you want from me?"

"My baby." He replied plainly.

"No, you aren't taking my baby from me I won't-"

"That's not what I'm saying. I don't want to take the kid from you. I want to raise it....with you." he said.

"Do you even know the first thing about raising a child?" I asked him.

"Do you?" he shot back.

I stayed quiet for a moment and really thought about what he was asking me. I didn't know the first thing about taking care of a child but I could include him if he really wants to participate.

"You gonna have to show the effort," I said to him.

"I have no problem with that," he said. "Imma let you go,  I have to get back to work....but I need your number."

"For what?" I asked.

"You think I'm just gone call your work every day for you. Just give me your cell." He said.

"Fine," I gave him my number and hung up the call. I sat back in my chair and looked up at the ceiling. What is happening? What the hell did I just agree to?

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