A Plan

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Quavo told me not to worry about anything because he would handle it and what he said he truly meant. I was thinking that we would just prove everything with a blood test when the baby gets here but he had other plans. The next week I found myself sitting in a lawyer's office answering questions about the whole situation from me deciding to get pregnant to the mess up at the doctor's office. He even asked questions about my mother from my childhood. we don't need to go through this with him. I'm a lawyer and a good one at that but when I suggested that I represent myself Quavo refused.

"Okay, so what we have here is basically an ace in the hole." His lawyer said as he flipped through the papers on his desk. "we have multiple instances of negligence from the doctor's office. Your mother is clearly extorting this private situation for her own financial gain. She pulled in thousands of dollars since she brought this story to the press and is continuing to use it to get tv appearances and radio interviews where she slanders the both of you relentlessly. Any testimony she and this so-called potential father have isn't going to hold up in court once they become aware of the emotional abuse you suffered as a child for your mothers own gain. We only have one problem."

"and what's that?" Quavo asked.

"the nurse. They have her swearing that there was no mix up in the actual DNA samples just the paperwork. We need her to confess that she messed up the samples or at least that she's lying purposefully to cover it up."

"so how are we going to do that?" I asked him. He looked over at me.

"we're gonna have to try to talk to her." He said simply. I rolled my eyes at him.

"you act like we can just walk into the office and chat the girl down and get her to admit that she's been lying." I said.

"we cant, but would we be able to use it as evidence is she tells someone else?" Quavo asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"it depends on the circumstances." His lawyer replied. "if you trick her into it we cant use it as evidence but if we could convince her to testify on our behalf instead of that of her boss and your mother then that would basically win the case before we even go to court."

"easy," Quavo said sitting back in his chair.

I turned in my chair and looked over at him. I really hope this guy has a plan because I'm drawing a blank here.


Getting this girl's confession is going to be easier than everyone thinks because I have a plan all I'm going to need is some help. I've been staying at Michelle's house more and more the farther along she gets in her pregnancy so I haven't been back to the house as much. I only go in order to get clothes and things like that and most of the time when I go no one is around or everyone is sleeping but today I'm going on Sunday. My mom and sisters are going to be over there cooking and everyone comes on Sundays to eat.

"So you need me to do what?" Takeoff asked not looking away from the tv. He wasn't paying attention to what I was saying because the basketball game was on and I really need him to focus on what I'm asking him to do.

"can you listen!?" I asked him.

"I am listening!" He yelled back.

"stop all that damn hollering!" My sister screamed from the kitchen.

"aye man, you not my mama," I said to her.

"but I'm his, cut all that damn noise." She said.

I don't know what was happening because I wasn't looking at the tv but takeoff jumped up from the couch. "yes!"

"What the hell did I just say?" My sister yelled.

He looked back at her like a little kid who was getting in trouble for walking away from his mama in the store. "I'm sorry," he said as he sat back down. The game went to commercial and he finally turned to look at me for the first time since I sat down next to him.

"now what were you asking me to do?" He asked.

"the nurse from the sperm bank-"

"oh yeah, the cute little dummy that messed your stuff up. She was real cute and she had a nice ass, and I love a girl that's a little dumb." He said smiling. Seriously, something had to be wrong with him. His mama must have dropped him on his head or something.

"you should go back and talk to her," I said to him.

He stopped smiling and looked at me. "what do you want? Cause the only time you suggest that I do shit is when it has something to do with you."

"the girl's been lying on the news saying that she didn't mess up our stuff she just fucked up the names on the paperwork and I need her to admit the truth," I said.

"but, what I if that is the truth and she only messed up the paperwork. It ain't never crossed your mind that this other dude could be the -"

"He ain't."

"Okay sorry, I'm just saying it's no secret that she messed up but she was the only person in there so who knows except for her."

"which is why I need you to help me out," I said to him.

"fine," he said with a shrug. "but I'm only doing it because the nurse was cute."

"so you won't do it for your niece but you'll do it for a piece of ass?" I asked him.

"you're my uncle, which would make your daughter my cousin, and don't get me wrong I'm doin it for her, but I have to make sure that it's also worth my while." He said with a shrug.

His mother walked in and sat down on the other end of the sofa. "I can't believe that you're pimping my child out to win a court case."

"it's not about a case. It's about my daughter and the court case is just so her ma knows that I'm not gonna let her continue to fuck with my child or Michelle anymore." I said.

"Wow," my sister said.


"I've never seen you stand for anything except your music. This is a refreshing change for you." She sat back on the sofa and turned her attention to the tv.

"you always have some smartass comment to make huh?" I asked her.

"that was a compliment jackass. See that's why we can't ever get along. You're always looking for a reason to argue with me." He said.

"Whatever," I said rolling my eyes.


I don't think my uncle really thinks his plans through. This might have been a good plan in his mind but when you think about it sending you nephew to a sperm bank to ask the nurse that might have given his nut in somebody on accident in order to get her to testify on his behalf is kind of crazy in real life, but here I was.

I watched her walk out of the building and start down the sidewalk. She sat down at the empty bus stop. "she don't have a car, this shit is gonna be too easy." I was standing in the parking lot but decided to get back into my car and drive over to the stop. When I got there I rolled the window down. "hey!" I called out to her,

No reply.

I yelled out again.

She ignored me again.

I started blowing the horn and finally, I got her attention. Apparently, she had earbuds in and couldn't hear me but I was sitting right in front of her in my car.

"are you talking to me?" She asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I saw you sitting here and thought you might need a ride."

"no, I like taking the bus." She replied.

"I- what?" I asked him. "are you sure?"

"Yeah," she replied simply. "thanks though."

I didn't want to push her too far and get her to shut me down completely and not give me a chance at all, but this girl literally just turned me down in favor of taking the bus. This isn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be.  

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