The Line

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I was sitting on my bed leaning against the headboard. Quavo was laying across the bed with his head on my lap so that he could put his ear against my stomach. I don't think that the baby likes to be touched anymore because every time he does this it kicks against him like it wants him to move away but of course he doesn't. He just lays there.

"I think the baby wants you to move," I said to him.

"It's a girl," he said ignoring me.


"I can tell cause she has an attitude." He grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels.

"Or maybe you're just annoying it," I said.

"Stop with the it stuff." He said. For some reason it really bothers him when I refer to the baby as it but what am I supposed to do, I don't know what the baby is and neither does he. He found something to watch then dropped the remote down on the bed.

"Well, what am I supposed to say?" I asked him.

"Say she, cause that's what she is." He replied.

"You don't know that," I replied.

He shrugged. "I have a feeling."

"Really a feeling," I asked.

"Yeah, I have a lot of them," he said.

He was talking about something else. I know he is but honestly, I'm not trying to have that conversation with him right now....or ever. I read about this online some men experience hormone changes just like women do when they get someone pregnant. That's all this is, just the hormones getting the better of him, after all, we barely know each other.

"We could get to know each other." He said.


"You mumble sometimes when you're thinking to yourself. Mosta the time I try not to say nothing though." He said.

"So you heard that?" I asked.

"Yeah, but don't worry, you don't ever say too much." He said.

"....good," I said.

He sat up; not all the way but just enough so that he could look me in the face. "We could get to know each other more than this. You said you enjoyed yourself when we went out so why can't we?"

I could hear my heart thumping in my ears as I looked back at him. He didn't look like he usually did; he wasn't wearing the shades, the jewelry, and he was wearing nothing more than a plain t-shirt and sweatpants. He just looked like a normal guy, like he could be someone that you could run into at the mall or the grocery store. I was concentrating so hard on the thoughts inside my head it caught me off guard when he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. My brain was telling my body to move but I couldn't. It's like the feel of his lips on my just made my brain stop working all together and I was stuck there, kissing him.

When I finally got the strength to move away I back up and all I could do is shake my head. "No, we can't do this. We can't."

He bit down on his bottom lip. "sorry, my bad."

"It's.....there's a line. We have a line and we can't cross it."

He nodded. "Yeah, I understand."

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