Mix Up

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4 Months Later

It was a week before Thanksgiving and the whole family was in town staying with us at the mansion for the holiday. Everyone was sitting around the table eating the breakfast that Quavo's sister and mother prepared. Everyone was at the table except for Quavo.

"Where is that boy? We cooked all this food and he hasn't even come out of his room yet." His mom set another plate of bacon on the table and as soon as she set it down it was pretty much gone. "The food is gonna get cold.

"You want me to fix him some and put it up?" takeoff asked before he sucked on each of his fingers.

"No, I don't want you to touch anything in the kitchen until you wash your damn hands," she said as she grabbed a plate. "QUAVIOUS!!!"

"I'm right here ma," he walked into the kitchen rubbing his forehead.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked him.

"I'm alright, just not feelin good ma." He said.

"Aww come here," she opened her arms and Quavo walked over to and bent his body forward to put his head on her shoulder. "My baby,"

"Gross," his sister said.

Quavo turned his head and looked at her. "shut up."

"You shut up. You wake up with a hangover and get treated like a baby." She said.

"I'm not hungover. We didn't even go nowhere last night." He grumbled.

"Leave my son alone!" their mama said.

"So what's wrong with you then?" takeoff asked.

"I don't know. I just don't feel good. I been like this all week."

"You pregnant?" his sister asked.

"Mama said leave me alone!" he yelled at her.

Michelle and Jasmine

It Worked! My insemination worked! Today I have another doctor's appointment today and a meeting with Dr. Williams afterward. There are some wrap-up questions that he wants to ask me so I'm here for it. at the appointment they did what they normally do, checking the heartbeat and doing measurements. After that, I went to Dr. Williams's office to talk to him.

"So how is everything going?" he asked.

"Everything is fine," Jasmine replied.

I sat back in my chair and shook my head. "He wasn't talking to you."

"He looked at both of us," she replied.

"Will you be quiet?" I said to her. Jasmine rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Everything has been great," I said with a smile.

"Normal appetite?"

I nodded.

"Any morning sickness? Nausea?"

I shook my head. "None at all."

"Okay, so this is a question we ask everyone who's donor has this option selected in their profile. The donor you selected is open to contact between the two of you," he said.

"What does that mean?" I asked him.

"You have the option to contact the father and inform him that you are with child." He said. "But that's only if you choose to."

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