Will You?

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We stayed in the hospital until the day after Christmas. Michelle was more than ready to get home I wasn't. If something went wrong we weren't in the hospital for them to fix it. Now nothing has gone wrong but my mother calls this 'being a parent' cause I've been worrying about everything that could go wrong.

"wait mama, you not supposed to get his belly button thing wet." I said to her.

"boy, I used to bath you and you belly button is just fine." she replied. "you sitting here calling it a belly button thing but you trying to tell me what I'm supposed to be doin. Do sit your skinny ass down somewhere."

"i just want to make sure you're doing it right," I said.

She was putting her clothes on now. Once she got her all the way dressed, she picked her up and looked at me. "get away from me."

"ma, give me my daughter." I said.

"didnt I say get the hell away from me." she swung her arm at me. She walked from the nursery back to my bedroom where my sister was helping Michelle put together the breast pump.

"is she hungry?" she asked my mama.

"you should have enough time to pump before she wants to eat again." she said.

All this baby stuff is still confusing to me. There was pumps and bottles and pads for her boobs and all of the clothes. She throws up on everything so we change her a million times in one day and feeding every 2-3 hours and she doesn't sleep at night. Luckily my mama said she would stay with us for a couple weeks or at least until we got the hang of this. Michelle is taking to it just fine so im guessing that my mama is just staying so that I don't stress Michelle even more than she already is.

At this point I was just standing in the middle of the room with my hands in my pockets. My mama was sitting in the rocking chair with the baby, my sister was helping Michelle, and there I was.

"what should I do?" I asked. They all turned and looked at me.

"could you go get something to eat?" my sister asked me.

I nodded. "yeah I can do that."

Two months later


I was sitting in a chair waiting for Quavo to hand D'lylah to me. It was our first photo shoot and the first time we would be showing her to the world. this whole thing was my idea. We were doing a family portrait style shoot dressed like the good old shoots from the 90's. Big earrings, gold chains, and matching outfits.

"okay now turn toward me Michelle." the photographer said.

"okay." I said.

"and can we get some shot of mama and baby by themselves." he asked.

"sure," Quavo said as he stepped away.

"this is so corny." takeoff said as he walked through the door. I watched as everyone I knew filed into the room behind him. All of Quavo's family, my friends, and the few co-workers that I actually liked.

"What are yall doing here?" I asked them. I spun around in the chair and Quavo was behind me down on one knee. "what the hell is going on?"

"what does it look like?" he asked. "I'm down here messin up my pants and you acting like you don't know what's going on." he laughed.

I just started crying. At some point his mom came over and took D'lylah from my arms.

"i been trying to think of the right words to say this. I been sitting on this ring trying to find the perfect time to ask you to marry me, but I could never get it right cause-"

"yes," I said.

"wait, let me finish-"

"yes, I will,"

"i prepared a whole speech for this,"

"i don't care! Yes!" I didn't mean to dive on him the way that I did. I was trying to hug him but I think he wasn't expecting me to lean all of my weight against him. He fell back on the floor and hit his head on the floor.

"damn," he said grabbing the back of his head.

"sorry," I said with a laugh. 

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