Angry little Princess

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It was the night before Christmas and Michelle invited everybody to our damn house. Yeah this was supposed to be like a housewarming thing because we just moved in and we were gonna spend the holiday here. It was Michelle's idea to have a party on Christmas eve that rolled into the next day. That sounded all fine and good until I realized that it would be a million people spending the night at our damn house. My mama, and my sisters, and their kids, then set was here with cardi and all of his kids, and right now they were tearing up my house and begging to open presents.

I was sitting on the sofa trying to watch tv over the noise of all the ids. It's getting late and I'm just hoping they fall asleep soon cause I cant take this screaming anymore. I didn't know that kids were this loud all the time. Michelle came and sat down next to me with a plate full of food.

"you're eating again?" I asked her.

"it's desert," she replied.

"you said you didn't want to gain a bunch of weight but all you do is eat cake." I said.

"leave her alone!" my sister shouted from the kitchen.

"you leave me alone!"

"here they go," takeoff said.

"you be quiet too." she yelled at him.

Michelle thinks it's funny when we argue. She sat there watching while she ate the cake until she was finished. My sister just always staring shit with me that all. She likes to argue. We were mid argument when Michelle grabbed my arm.

"What?" I asked her.

"my stomach,"

"i told you," I said. "it was the extra cake."

"no stupid, I mean something is wrong."


So I'm sitting there minding my business watching my mama and my uncle argue with eat other over a piece of cake when I start to notice that Michelle isn't looking too good. She had finished the cake almost ten minutes ago and now she was squirming in her seat like she had ants in her pants. She grabbed my uncle by the arm and I could see them talking but over all of the noise in the room I couldn't hear what she was saying.

Then she stood up and it looked like she peed. She sat back down really fast so I'm guessing that no one would notice.

I hit offset on the arm and he looked at me.

"she peed on herself bruh,"

"What?" he asked.

What happened next was crazy. She turned and said something to Quavo who got up and went to get my grandmother out the kitchen. She came into the living room and after looking at the floor she dragged her up of the couch and told Quavo to get his keys.

"What goin on?" I asked my mama. She grabbed her purse from the sofa beside me.

"Michelle's water just broke." she said.

"she's having the baby?" I asked.


"you two stay with the kids." she said pointing to me and offset.

"stay with the kids?" I asked. "why I gotta stay-"

"do what I said." she replied. And just like that everyone was gone and it was just him and I with all of the damn kids.

"this don't make no sense man."- I said.

"why would you wanna go to watch her have a baby?" offset asked. "the shit is gross."

"that's not what I'm talking about," I replied. "i'm talking about the fact that Im stuck with you watching your kids."

"that's aint just my kids. You sister and -"

"you got the most children here. You should be here by yourself." I said.

"you right," he said.

"i am?"

"we should be there. This kid is technically our fault." he said.

"i think they left us on purpose." I said to him.

"they definitely did." he said with a nob.


I don't know who the fuck said that having a kid Is a beautiful experience because this is the most horrific shit ive ever seen in my life. There was blood and guts all over, Michelle almost broke two of my fingers holding my hand, she was crying and cussing me out like having the baby was my idea or something, and to top that off her labor went by so fast that by the time we got to the hospital she was too far into her labor to be able to get that epidural shit so she blamed that on me too.

It just seemed like everything ended up being my fault until the baby came. she was the prettiest thing that I've ever seen in my entire life. She didn't cry either. She came out and she was just looking around at everybody like she didn't understand why everybody was looking at her.

"I've never seen a baby look so angry." Michelle said.

"that's cause you spent your entire pregnancy having an attitude." I replied. 

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