Nurse Taylor

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Michelle and Jasmine

Today was the day and Michelle was more than excited. She couldn't stop herself from bouncing as she tightened her hair tie around her hair to secure it into a ponytail. She stopped and looked down at herself. Her stomach, which was flat at this very moment would soon grow big around to make room for her precious little baby. She put both hands on her stomach and turned to the side in the mirror and looked at herself.

"Will you cut the crap before you're late!" Jasmine squawked loudly. Michelle looked over at her cousin and frowned.

"Can I not have one moment to my damn self?" Michelle asked.

"Hey, you ask me to come here remember?" Jasmine said.

"Cause I need somebody to come with me to help after my procedure."

Jasmine made a face. "So you gotta get surgery or something?"

"No, it's a minor procedure but I'm not supposed to do a lot of moving afterward so-"

"So I'm here to be your butler for the rest of the day?"

"Not a butler, more like a nurse," Michelle said with a smile.

"Imma start charging you," she said. "Come one you're really about to be late for this thing."

Everything was zooming by in a blur. Before she knew it she was laying on the table in a gown being readied for her procedure by the doctor and a nurse. The nurse seems off, kind of clumsy, and she kind of just walked around the room with large eyes like a deer caught in headlights.

"Okay, so well get the sample and be back momentarily to begin. Nurse Taylor," he handed her a folder and the two of them walked out of the room.

Michelle laid there staring up at the ceiling. Today was going to be the day that her life changed forever. In a matter of minutes, everything would be different and she couldn't wait.

Nurse Taylor

Nurse Taylor and the doctor walked out of the room and he stopped and turned to her. He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and smiled. "Taylor, I need you to get this right. I know you had a couple mess ups last week but that's in the past. You're going to take this folder go directly to the sample room, don't stop, don't take any charts from anyone, don't even stop at the desk to say hello. Go directly to the sample room and get the sample that matches the donor number on her chart and then bring it straight back to me. You got it?"

She nodded. "I got it. Go straight there, get the sample, and come right back."

"Don't do anything else." He repeated.

"Yes sir, I got it." she smiled and started off down the hallway.


"Don't worry doc I got it. Go straight there."

"You going the wrong way, sample room is down this way." He said pointing in the other direction. She laughed then started in the right direction. "Lord please help that girl."

Nurse Taylor was doing fine today. She hadn't messed up any charts or mixed up anything like she usually did. All she had to do was match up the sticker to the sample bottle and bring it back to the doc and she would be back in his good graces.

"Hey Tay," without skipping a beat she stopped and looked back at who had called her name. "you going to the sample room?" nurse Gabrielle asked.

"Yeah, I have to get this sample and bring it right back to doctor and not stop for anyone or anything," Taylor repeated.

"But since you're already going that way can you bring this to the clerk down there. It's the list of disposables that need to be taken from the vault and thrown out," she said.

"But I'm not supposed to stop for anyone."

"You're not, just take this with you and drop it off at the desk outside the door where you swipe your ID to get in," she said to her.

Nurse Taylor shrugged and held her hand out. "Okay."

She took the folder and continued toward the sample room. she was nearly there, almost home free and she raised her hand to hand the clerk the list of disposables and it somehow it the side of the desk and all of the paper went spilling on the floor, and as luck would have it when she bent over the papers in the folder she was carrying fell on the ground too.

"Shit," she grabbed the papers and tried to sort them out as best as she could while making sure everything ended up in the right place. She put the folder of disposables on the desk and swiped her id to get into the sample room.

"All you gotta do is grab the right same and get the hell out of here Taylor." She said as she flipped through to find the donor number. Once she found it she went through and found the sample. She grabbed it then turned and around and went straight back to the examination room where the doctor was waiting for her.

"Here you go," she said handing him both the folder and the sample container. He looked at the container in his hands then up to her.

"You made it there and back with no problem?" he asked.

Taylor nodded and smiled. "No problems." She lied.

"Alright," he smiled and took everything back into the room.

"That was easy enough." She said with a confident shrug. 

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