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I was laying in my bed minding my own business as usual when I get a knock on my front door. I knew that it was Quavo because he has a key and even though he does he usually blows my phone up to let me know that he's on his way. I got up and went to answer it and found Tiffany there looking nervous and scared.

"What? What's the matter?" I asked her.

"You haven't been watching TV?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No,"

She stepped through the door pulling her phone from her pocket as she did so. She unlocked it and navigated t something within the phone before handing it over to me. It was a picture split in three and in each section of the picture was a person; one was a picture of me, there was a picture of Quavious, and one of my mother. Above that, there was a title that read "custody battle for the heir to the Migos thrown."

"Migos thrown? Really?" I looked up at Tiffany. "this is obviously bullshit."

"keep scrolling." She said.

I scrolled down some more and there was my mother standing behind a podium at what looked like a press conference. She had two men standing by her side, one was my old doctor (the one who ran the sperm bank where they messed up my insemination) and the other was a man I had never seen before. I clicked on the video for it to play and it started.

My mother stood there looking like the wicked witch of the west but that was nothing new. She pushed her glasses up on her nose before she started to talk. "My daughter is a vindictive liar who is attempting to deny myself and Mr. Thomas rights to his biological child in favor of a man who is in no way the father. My daughter and Mr. Marshall have concocted an entire story to entice sympathy from the masses when in reality they're using this child as a springboard for fame and I will not stand for it. This child is innocent and should be protected from the likes of people who will use him or her for popularity and personal gain. They are unfit to raise a child and that fact has forced both myself and Mr. Thomas to seek primary custody of said child upon its birth. Thank you, there will be no further questions."

I handed tiffany her phone and started to look around the room. I need my shoes, I can't go anywhere without putting shoes on first. "What you looking for?" She asked.

"my shoes," I answered.

"for what?"

"I'm gonna kill that old miserable bitch...doesn't she know how much trouble she can get in for lying like this and filing lawsuits when she knows it's a lie that''s....what's it called?"

"defamation," called a voice from the door. I looked up to see Quavo walking in. He kicked off his shoes right next to the pair that I had been looking for and started to come toward me. I dipped past him and went for my shoes. "Where are you going?"

"To fight her mama," Tiffany said

"No, hell no." He moved and got in front of me so that I couldn't get out of the door.

"Move," I said to him.

"You're going to make it worse." He warned.

"So you already knew about this?" I asked him.

"Our team finds out about stories like this before they come out. We tried to stop it but your mom is something else." He said.

"so what are we supposed to do just let them lie?" I asked.

"they have lawyers and there's paperwork and all of these hoops that we gotta jump through in order to handle this." He said. "but we're going to take care of it." He moved back into the house and closed the door behind him.

"this is a new low for her," I said to Tiffany.

"and I don't know who that nigga is with her but I'm gonna kick his ass after all this is over. Him and that stupid ass doctor because they both know that this shit ain't right." Quavo looked over at the tv and they were running the same story about us on TMZ. He grabbed the remote from the sofa and turned the TV off then they the remote down. It bounced off the sofa and landed on the floor.

"Don't worry guys, we're going to work through this," Tiffany said.

"This isn't right... I can't believe she's doing this." I took my feet out of the shoes that I halfway had on and started toward my room. I heard Tiffany say she was going home and Quavo showed her out. The door closed and I heard his shoes shuffling against the carpet as he trotted to catch up with me in the hallway. I walked into my room and got straight in the bed.

Quavo came in behind me and kicked his shoes off at the door. He crawled into the bed but instead of lying beside me he laid his body across the bottom of the bed by my feet. I propped my pillows against the headboard and turned my attention to the TV. I couldn't even get into the episode of Grey's Anatomy that I had been watching already because the shit was on my mind and I didn't want to let it go. And then I felt someone pull on one of my toes.

"stop," I said as I moved my foot away from Quavo. I glanced over at him and he was chewing on his bottom lip trying to hide a smile. He knows that I don't like feet and I also don't like him touching my feet at all, but he does it to work on my nerves.

He pulled my toe again. "stop it," I said to him.

"What, I didn't do anything." He said with a smiled. I sat up straight and was about to tuck my feet in and sit Indian style on the bed but before I could he grabbed my foot wrapped his arm around it like he was holding my foot in a choke hold.

"if you tickle my foot I swear I'm gonna kick you in the back of the head," I said to him.

He looked back at me and I guess he remembered the last time he tried to tickle me like this and out of reflex and kicked him and he complained about it all night. He let my foot and turned over so that he was facing me. "I'm just trying to take your mind off of it."

"you cant." I said. "she's always been an absent mother but after looking at her reason I could always kind of understand why she did it because she's selfish. She did things to make sure that she would be okay, but this.... I don't know why she's doing this."

"don't think about it too much." He said. "you gonna stress my daughter out and you make her upset and I'm gonna have to fight you."

"Excuse me," I asked.

"You heard me," he said. "stop thinking about her. We'll handle that when the time comes."

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