Dat way? No Way!

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I was at home minding my business when I got a call from the doctor's office saying that I needed to come down there as soon as possible. I don't know if something was wrong because she wouldn't tell me on the phone but she said that it was important. When I got to Dr. Wills office they took me right to his office and there was a guy sitting in one of the chairs and he didn't look happy at all. Behind him stood an older woman who was staring at me with her arms crossed.

Dr. Will sat on the other side of his desk with a nurse beside him on one side and a woman in a suit on the other.

"Um, hello," I said looking around.

"Michelle, why don't you have a seat?" Dr. Williams said. I sat down and all eyes were on me. "Is there something wrong with the baby?" I asked him.

"No," he replied quickly. "Baby is healthy and you're doing a good job of taking care of yourself, but it seems like there has been a mix up with some paperwork and you received a sample from an unwilling donor."

"So, what does that mean?" I asked.

"It means that this idiot gave you the wrong sperm, and you got mine when you weren't supposed to." Said the man in the chair. I looked over at him and there was something about him that was familiar.

"Is this a problem for you?" I asked him.

"Well you don't think that you're going to be able to have this child without us being a part of It." said the woman who stood behind him. This child will be my grandchild and we have rights to the child."

"You don't," I said standing from my chair.

"So you think that you can just take my kid and run off?" he shot up from his seat.

"And who the hell are you supposed to be?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

He stopped and let his head fall to one side. I don't know why but he started to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" I asked him.

"You looked familiar when you walked in but I figured that was impossible." He said.

"What is impossible?" I asked.

"You ran into me and you fell. At the club remember?" he said smiling as if that was a fond memory or something.

"Oh, the skinny dude with the attitude that's way too big for his body," I said.

He frowned. "So you got jokes?"

This can't happen. This isn't supposed to be like this at all. This baby was supposed to be mine and mine alone now this guy with flashy jewelry and expensive clothes just thinks that he can swoop in and take that form me. "I'm sorry," I said to him.

"About what?" he said.

I shook my head. "You're not doing this. I won't let you."

"You won't let me do what?" he asked.

"This baby is mine, just me, by myself, I don't want you around," I said. "At all."

The looked on his face was a confused one. "Excuse me?" he asked.

I turned around and left the room without another word to him or the woman that he brought with him. I could hear Dr. Williams calling me but that only made me walk faster. I got out to my car and started it up. I looked up in enough time to see him walking through the parking lot looking from one end of it to the other to find my car. I pulled out of the parking spot he was in and carefully but quickly raced out of the parking lot.

This is not how I planned for this to go. 

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