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We haven't spoken much since the kiss. I think I may have hurt his feelings by saying what I said but that can't happen. It isn't in the plan, it's not in the agreement, and it can't happen. We arranged to have lunch today and it's gonna get the first day I've seen him in person since that day.

To be honest it was awkward. He was trying extra hard to be careful around me like he was going to get in trouble for the things that he said or did. He was trying hard to keep himself from touching me or grabbing my hand like he used to before.

"Hey, my family is going on a trip...I want you to come." He said.

"A trip to where?" I asked.

"Why do you always ask so many questions? It's a free trip to a place that you've probably never been before so why are you trippin?" he asked

"You said that it was a family trip and I'm technically not a part of your family," I said to him.

"Well, I'm saying that you are and I'm inviting you to come. So take off a week next month from the 10th to the 20th." He said.

I didn't argue. I took the days off and made sure that I checked with my doctor to make sure that traveling was okay for me and the baby. Quavo likes to give gifts, he bought me luggage and took me shopping to get clothes for the trip and paid for everything when we were together. On the day that we left for the trip I don't know why I was expecting this to be a normal trip, but it wasn't. It was a private plane and he and I were the only people on it.

"I thought this was a family trip?" I asked him.

"Everyone else is already there." He said.

We boarded the plane and took off. The plane ride wasn't too bad but I don't like to fly. I closed my window and tried to focus on something else other than the fact that we were thousands of feet up in the air. When we finally landed I was grateful and more than ready to get off this damn plane. We went together to a house that he rented. He said his family was in the same compound but he got me a room here because he said that they're night owls and he knows how I like to sleep.

"We have dinner planned later on," he said.


"You should take a nap or rest you know. You're probably tired." He said.

"Are you leaving?" I asked him.

"Do you want me to??" he asked. I thought about it for a second.

".......yeah," I replied.

He nodded and gave me a friendly hug before he left the room. "Dinner is at 6, I'll come back here to get you when it's time," he said.

"Okay," I said.


It was almost time for dinner and I've been knocking on the door or Michelle's room for almost 30 minutes and she hasn't answered. I called her for the fourth time and she finally answered. "I'm almost done with my makeup, " she said almost screaming.

You could have opened the door." I said.

"I was naked because I wasn't dressed yet." She replied.

"You act like you have something I've never seen before," I said.

"Shut up stupid." She replied.

Before I could answer she opened the door and punched me in the chest. The punch didn't hurt but I acted like it did. She rolled her eyes and stepped out the room and made sure the door was locked before we headed toward dinner. We got to the house where dinner was, which was just the house where my mam and sisters were staying, we could hear then talking from all the way outside. They were joking and having fun and arguing like they usually do and as soon as we walked in all conversation stopped. I asked them not to make her feel uncomfortable and this is what they do.

The stopped talking like she was an alien. We sat down in the two empty seats at the table. As I expected my sister was the first to speak.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Michelle," Michelle answered.

"And you're a lawyer?" my mother asked.

"Yes ma'am," she said.

They asked her questions about her job and her family, and really just kind of poked at her like she was a bowl of jello that they didn't want to eat. It was painful, to say the least, and I knew that as painful as it was for me Michelle was probably a million times for uncomfortable.

After dinner was over I took Michelle back to the house I got for her away from my family and their questions. "So, that was-"

"Scary, your family is scary." She said.

"I'm sorry about that, you know my mama was kinda....upset when you ran out of the office like you were running from the police," I said. I slipped my hands into my pockets and changed the direction we were walking in. the resort we were staying in was beachside and in walking distance from the ocean. Where the grass stopped and the sand started I slipped off my slides and continued forward. Michelle was only wearing flip flops but didn't bother to take her flip flops off to step into the sand.

We walked until we reached the edge of the water and stood there watching the water. "It's really nice here." She said.

"Yeah, we should come here every year," I said only half seriously. She would shoot that down just like she did everything else.

She shrugged. "Maybe, but only when....she is old enough." She said to me.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she said. "This would be a cool place to come for vacations." She said.

"Wow," I said. "I thought for sure that would have been another request flushed down the toilet."

"Yeah, I've been working at that, not being ass negative, you know." She said. "We're still not crossing the line, but I should be more flexible."

"Yeah you should," I said. She laughed and I did too. I wasn't joking but I laughed alone trying to make sure that she didn't get offended and be mad at me all over again. "It's late, you should get back to the room."

"Yeah, I should." She said before she turned and heading back to her room.

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