Hot Yoga

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This girl must have nothing but air in between her ears. I've been coming by her job every day for a week and offered her a ride while she was sitting at the bus stop and every single time she's refused and said that she would rather take the bus. Seriously what the hell kinda logic is that.

"you keep trying to do it your way and I'm telling you it ain't gonna work," Michelle said as she dipped a pickle spear into a jar of peanut butter before putting it into her mouth.

"why are you eating that like that," I asked her.

"pickles help with the morning sickness." She replied simply.

"peanut butter too?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"no, I just wanted some peanut butter." She answered. "but like I was saying, it sounds like you're going to actually have to try and get her to like you. She doesn't sound like the type that would just throw herself at you because you keep offering her a ride."

"well, what do you suggest I do since you have all the answers," I asked her.

"go places she likes. See what her hobbies are and do those things with her."

"we don't have forever to get this girl to tell us what she knows," Quavo said.

"we don't have forever but we also don't have to rush." She said to him.

"how am I supposed to find out what her hobbies are if she ignores me?" I asked.

Michelle grabbed her phone and started playing with it before she found what she was looking for. "she takes spin classes, she watches scandal and how to get away with murder, hiking, bike riding-"

"damn is working out all she does?" Quavo asked.

"she's taking a hot yoga class today. You should go there."

"what the fuck is hot yoga?" I asked.

"it's yoga I guess," she replied with a shrug.

"do I look like I know anything about some damn yoga?" I asked her.

"there's an instructor in the class." She said rolling her eyes. "I got a yoga mat that you can use."

"You do yoga?" Quavo asked her.

"I tried it out with jasmine but I didn't have the time to go to the classes because of work. It ain't that hard, just a little uncomfortable at first."

Man, she said that it would be uncomfortable. It's dudes in here with leggings on. It wasn't hard getting into the class. I gave the receptionist a nice smile and she let me walk right in. I saw Taylor walking in and I followed her into the room and I felt like I had walked into a fucking oven.

"what the fu-"

"Hey, I remember you," I turned and Taylor was standing behind me with her mat in her hands. "I've never seen you here though. You don't look like the yoga type."

"I'm a man of many skills," I replied. She raised an eyebrow and looked me up and down.

"you...only bought a yoga mat?" She asked.

"uh, it's my first time coming here." I lied. "uh, when I train at my usual spot they provide everything for you."

"you yeah, they gym across town. They're nice and all but the instructor are creeps." She said

I nodded like I knew who she was talking about when really I have no fucking idea. I'm just trying to focus on something other than the fact that it's literally hot as hell in here. The teacher came prancing into the room and everyone got into their places. I laid my mat out next to hers and the class started. It was alright at first nothing too crazy I could keep up just by following what everyone else was doing but then she called out some pose and everyone stood up on one leg with their arms straight out in front of them. That's when I realized that I might have bit off more than I could shew.

This class was so damn long and it was so damn hot in here. "you okay?" I looked over at Taylor and she was drenched in sweat but her face was calm like she was sitting down watching tv or something.

"Yeah," I lied. I struggled through the rest of the class and I was silently thanking the lord when we sat down on the floor to do deep breathing once everything was over. There was about five minutes of breathing before we were dismissed from the class.

"so, you gonna keep pretending to do this and come back or was this your first and only class?" Taylor asked as she rolled her mat up. She went into her bag and grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to me. It was hot like everything else in this room but I was so happy to have it that I didn't even care.

"that depends," I replied. "you agree to a date with me and I'll have no problem coming back."

"and if I don't?" She asked with a smile.

"I'll go back to stalking you at the bus stop," I said. She laughed for the first time since I've met her.

She held her hand out of me and for a second I was confused I thought for a second she was asking for her water back but then she took her hand and put it up to her ear like it was a phone. Shew as asking me for my phone. I pulled it from the bag I took along with me and handed it to her.

"I'm gonna text you a location on Saturday morning." She said. "wear your workout clothes, and bring water."


"don't worry. We aren't gonna be doing hot yoga, or anything else too advanced because you don't seem like you work out much."

"I don't," I replied.

"don't worry, it's gonna be a beginner friendly workout." She handed my phone back to me then gathered her things and walked out.


Takeoff looked like he had been running through sprinklers when he walked back into the house after this yoga shit, and he smelled like walking death. You could smell him as soon as he stepped into the house.

"Oh, my god." Michelle covered her mouth and nose with her hand.

"boy, why the hell do you smell like you haven't bathed in days." My sister asked him.

"because mama," he replied. "your sister in law told me that this hot yoga class would just be regular yoga, but it turns out that hot yoga means that you do regular yoga in a room that's almost 100 degrees."

"what the hell?" I asked.

"stupid, what did you think that the hot stood for?" Titania said to him.

I got her to agree to a date, but she wants to go work out again." He said.

"when" I asked.

"she said she would text me with the info." He said. "I'm going to go wash my ass-"

"you need to," titania said to him.

"Mama, I've had a really rough morning," he said. "I have sweat in places I didn't even know I could sweat and my whole body hurts."

"take a bath." She said to him. "for the soreness."

He walked, well kind of waddled to the stairs and went up to his room. You could still smell him after he left and as soon as he was gone my sister opened the windows to air the room out. "you two better not kill my baby trying to get this confession out of this nurse."

"well, he agreed to go," I said to her. "I didn't know what hot yoga is so how was I supposed to know."

"Google is a thing genius." She said to me.  

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