The Rest of Our Lives

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I stood next to takeoff at the end of the aisle staring at the archway that Michelle was supposed to come through before she walked down the aisle. Today was the day after months and months of planning this wedding it was finally here. We didn't do it too big because she didn't want to make it into a huge event, but it had to be as flashy as possible.

"you nervous?" takeoff whispered to me. I looked over at him hopefully making eye contact through the shades he had on.

It was a sunny day, and seeing how hot it is today was kind of making me regret letting Michelle talk me into having a ceremony on the beach.

"i'm tired of waiting." I said to him.

"so am I," he replied. "i should have ate this morning."

"all that food I paid for in the room and you ain't eat before you got dressed?" I asked him.

"I woke up late,"

"you do everything late." I said to him. He didn't say anything back but I could hear his stomach growling.

The music started and I could feel my head thumping in my ears. There was a long way from the parking lot to the area of the beach that was blocked off for the ceremony so she had to walk down a flight of steps and down the beach to get to the start of the aisle but that don't matter. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She wasn't wearing a big extravagant dress because we were on the beach, but she didn't need it. She looked just as beautiful is the simple dress she was wearing.

"you better not cry," takeoff said to me.

"shut the hell up," I said to him as I watched her.

I don't know if I'm impatient or if the choreographed walk she was doing really slow. The wedding planner had us all walk to music so she was walking to a beat of a song that didn't seem that it was as slow as it was until I had to wait for her to walk over to me.

When she finally got there the preacher started talking and we had to listen to a whole church service before we got to the important stuff.

"has the couple prepared vows?" he asked us.

"if she don't interrupt me like the way she did when I proposed them yes." I said. Everyone laughed, and she smiled but rolled her eyes at me.

"when we met I didn't think that this is where we would end up. Our whole relationship happened completely by accident, but what a lot of yall don't know is that we met at a club before our first official meeting."

"really you gonna bring that up?" she asked laughing nervously.

"yeah, you got in a fight or something and she ran into me, literally, and I was trying to be nice but she completely curved me. That night I didn't think that I would see her again and then god brought us back together again and I've been annoying you ever since and I wanna get on your nerves for the rest of our lives."

She laughed and so did everyone else. They think I'm just trying to be funny but I'm serious. There isn't anyone that I would rather spend the rest of my life with.

"I don't think I can top that." she said to me. "Anybody who know me knows that I said that I would never be standing at the end of an aisle in a white dress getting married and I never thought that I would have a family, but I have it, and it's all because of you, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. As long as you promise to stop clipping you toe nails at my dining room table."

"nigga, that nasty," takeoff said.

"it has the best light. I have to be able to see what I'm doing." I said.

"i will put you out if you keep it up." she said.

After our vowed the preacher talked some more and he finally got to the part where we exchanged rings and then he said you may now kiss the bride.

The reception was everything that Michelle wanted. I spent my money on the best but still kept it small because she didn't want to do too much. After the reception it was time for us to leave. I let Michelle plan the entire ceremony until the one condition that I could choose the honeymoon spot and she couldn't say anything about it.

She was asking a million questions about how much a spent when she realized that the car was pulling up to an airport and we were boarding a private jet.

"you told me I could pick what I wanted." I said to him.

"where are we going?" she asked.

"you'll see when we get there."


So we get off the plane and we're on a damn private island. I tell him that I want this weeding and honeymoon to be cost effective and that boy rented a whole damn island.

"do you not know what cost-effective means?" I asked him.

"there is no such thing as costs effective or a budget when it comes to you and lylah." he replied simply.

We got to this house where we were staying and it was absolutely beautiful. I can't help but worry about how much money he spent but this vacation is going to be amazing just to be alone with him.

We walked int eh house and I went straight to the bathroom. Quavo was close behind me but I was running so he couldn't keep up. I started running a bath as soon as I got in there.

"What are you doin?" he asked me.

"we spent all day in the sun, on the beach, my feet are dirty cause I didn't have on shoes and I want to take a bath." I said to him.

"you just want to get in the tub." he said.

"that too," I said with a smile. Once the tub was full, I stripped and got into the tub. I wasn't in there for a full five minutes before Quavo came in the bathroom and climbed into the tub with me. "What the hell."

"it's our honeymoon," he replied.

"but this is my bath." I said to him. "you are so annoying."

"I told you I would annoy you for the rest of our lives together." he said still smiling.

"you're off to a running start I guess." I said to him. 

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