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As much as I wanted to spend all my time with Michelle but I couldn't. We had photo shoots and interviews and she was always sick, she had to work, and taking her along with me wasn't always an option. I haven't seen her in about a month but we talk every day.

"nigga get off the phone!" Offset yelled into his microphone. I looked up rolled my eyes. I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed my microphone from where it was tucked underneath my arm.

"I was getting the pictures from the doctor's appointment," I said.

"you been to every appointment. The baby doesn't look no different than it did the last time it's just bigger." He replied.

"leave me alone. We don't tell you nothing when your kids come don't tell me nothing about mine." I shot back.

"I don't stop rehearsals to send texts! Get off the phone!" He said.

We wrapped up rehearsals and I went back to the green room where there was a huge table full of food for us. I got a plate and sat down on the sofa. I was there alone cause everyone was smoking without me. I was sitting there alone and I didn't have a problem with that. I pulled my phone from my pocket and started to text Michelle. The door swung open but no one said anything which was strange considering how loud everyone around here is. I looked up and there was a woman standing there with her body leaned against the door. When I caught eyes with her she smiled playfully.

"What do you want a picture? Autograph?" I asked.

She laughed. "no, I'm here for you."

"Why?" I asked. She walked into the room and stood in front of me. I watched as she put her hand out like she was giving it to me to kiss or something.

"I'm Celeste Franklin, you're new assistant." She said. I shook her hand quickly and let it go. She licked her lips and sat down next to me. The dress she was wearing was already short when she was standing up but now that she was sitting damn near her whole leg was out. She uncrossed her legs and recrossed them and my eyes shifted back up to her face and the smug smile she was wearing. God, she thought I was checking for her now. She was batting her lashes and flipping her hair like it was really hers.

"have you met the rest of the guys?" I asked her. I didn't want to ask her too much but I knew once everyone else got her they'd have plenty of questions and then she could get out of my face and go about her business. Honestly, she ain't my type but she a perfect pass around for them.

"you trying to get rid of me?" She asked laughing

".....yeah," I replied. Obviously, she couldn't take a hint so maybe if I'm honest she'll go away.

She didn't she laughed again and continued to sit right there next to me until everyone else came in from outside. Skippa was the first one to notice her because he sees every damn thing. He smiled and lifted an eyebrow. "who's this?"

"new assistant," I replied. Everyone else came into the room and just as I thought they got to ask her questions and I was able to get up and sneak away.

She's gone be a problem. I know she is. 

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