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I was sitting on the side of Michelle in this conference room. I wanted this to be private everybody wanted to be a part of this and I didn't want everybody in my business. I looked over at my lawyers, they didn't look nervous, but they got paid either way it. We submitted samples for the dna test last week and these past couple days have been hell waiting on the results.

I wiped my hands on my pants then brought them up to put them on the top of the table. I've never seen Michelle look so angry. Every time she gets in the same room with her mother it like you could feel the anger rolling off of her.

"okay, so we can make this quick." the judge was sitting at one end of the table with a folder in front of him. "we got the results that we're here for. If Mr. Marshall is that biological father of the child no parental rights shall be awarded to Mr. Smith, and under the circumstance that Mr. Smith is in fact the child's natural father he shall receive parental right and the negotiation of custody of said child will being."

He grabbed the folder and opened it. He skimmed the papers inside and took a deep breath before setting them down on the table. "alright, I'm going to take a second to step out of my role as a judge and ask you all something and this question is mainly for Mr. Smith and Mrs. Williams-Thomas."

"Yes, your honor?" her mother replied.

"What do you gain from this?" he asked. "these two found each other under circumstances that sound like something out of a movie, and they're blossomed into two parents who were ready to welcome a child of their own, then you two come along and completely derail their entire lives and over what?"

"well if the child is mine, I want to be in its life" this nigga. He done sat here this entire time with this smug look on his face like he felt like he was the shit because he was able to take me to court over this shit. He wasn't in this for nothing but money, that's the reason why they're doing this. Money and they want to make shit hard for Michelle.

"and you instead of supporting your daughter in a time when she needs you the most you are bring extra unnecessary stresses into this young girl's life."

"she had no business making that child the way she did," her mother replied.

"that child? "you mean your grandchild?"

She snorted. "you look down on me because I'm not in a rush to accept this chid into my life like this idiot?" she pointed at me.

"who she talking about?" my mama asked. "i don't care if this is court, she can still get beat the hell up."

"mama please," I told her.

"you ma'am, are a sorry excuse for a mother." the judge told her. "and the young man sitting next to you is no better for following you along in this tirade." he opened the folder and slid it over to her. "the test results found that Mr. Marshall is in fac the child's biological father and Mr. Smith is not." he said.

I sat back in my chair and let out a breath that I didn't know that I was holding in. Everything that I was worried about just disappeared when he said that. Michelle's mother got up from the table and walked out of the room without hearing the rest of what the judge had to say.

"Mr. Smith, I would encourage you to walk out of this with the tiny shred of dignity that you have left and not contract Mr. Marshall or any of his family members in any way. You should also probably stear clear of Mrs. Williams-Thomas going forward." he said.

Dude just nodded then got up and walked out. No apology or nothing, he wasn't even man enough to look me in the eye.

We gathered our things and walked out of the conference room. My entire family was waiting for us when we walked outside.

"Mr. Quavo!" called a familiar voice when we stepped out of the room. I turned around and the nurse, nurse Taylor was fast walking over to us. "I saw the mama leave looking really anger. Does that mean you got what you wanted?"

"yeah," I replied. "we got what we wanted."

"see, I told you that you would. All you had to do was let go and let god." she said.

"Who are you?" my mama asked her.

"I'm Taylor, the nurse that messed up the samples." she admitted.

"you not gonna get in trouble for being here." she asked her.

"no," she replied. "I've already been fired for all of this."

"when did that happen?" Michelle asked her.

"earlier this week," she replied.

"well you know, if you still want that job it's still there for you." I said to her. She smiled and nodded.

"i'll think about that," she said.

"you do a whole lot of thinking." I replied.

"it's politer than just saying no I feel." she replied before turning and walking away.

"that girl is weird," I turned around and takeoff was standing on the other side of the door.

"but you been breaking your neck to date her." I said to him.

He nodded as he watched her walk away. "i like a challenge. Imma catch up with yall later on." he siad as he started in the direction that taylor had just gone. "Taylor! Hey Taylor!"

"what is wrong with that boy?" my sister said out loud.

"you don't remember that time when you let him roll out the bed?" I asked.

"What are you talking about? That never happened!?" she said.

"you lie, I might have been young but I remember that." I replied. "cause we didn't have carpet and you had that ole high bed and he fell off and hit the floor."

"well, I dropped each of yall and you two turned out alright." my mama said as she moved to walk around us.

"what you mean you dropped me?" I asked her. 

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