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I can't believe he actually did it. My uncle swears he has some kind of charm but ain't nobody in the world has that much time. Most girls just want the money and the attention from being with us, but this girl is different. When we went shopping he tried all day to get her to let him buy her things but she always refused. If she wanted something she bought it with her own money. She ain't like most of the girls that flock to us and she got my mama and my aunt eating their words.

I remember the night we met her at dinner. After they left my aunt and my mama went on and on about her, and it wasn't nice. "She just gone use that baby to get all his money." My aunt said.

"How much you wanna bet it ain't his. I mean listen to the story. The nurse at the office mixed up the samples and instead of throwing his away they gave it to her. She probably messed with the papers herself to make that happen." My mama said

"And there won't be a way to tell until the baby is here," my aunt threw out.

I finished my food and left the table after that but I know that they went on and on for the rest of the night about it cause that's what they do.

Everywhere we went after that they stuck close together. He always held her hand and made sure she stuck close to his side and didn't go off too far on her own. It was like she was the child and not carrying the child. There was a point when we were in the mall and she walked off to look at a pair of shoes and he wasn't paying attention. When he turned around and realized she was gone he nearly shit on himself.

"You act like you're my dad or something." She said rolling her eyes.

He grabbed her hand and started to hover around her like an angry guard dog. "You can't just walk away like that. You could've got into trouble."

"Trouble. What kind of trouble could I really get into?" She said making a face.

"You'll be surprised." Offset said. "These hoes are crazy."

She just rolled her eyes and went on looking at shoes. She finally broke and let him buy her the shoes but it wasn't without an argument at the register from the two of them. It's like watching two comedians go back and forth throwing insults at each other.

I guess she's comfortable around us now cause she's opened up a lot.


I was laying on the bed in Michelle's room watching movies on her computer while she was in the shower. I booked a separate room for myself and I've only spent one night there. Being here with her was calming in ways that I've never had before. With other girls, you gotta sleep with your jewelry on and your wallet in your pocket but it's not like that with her. She could have the codes anything she wanted and I would have no problem giving it to her. I don't know what it is about this girl that has me, so.....in love. I think that might be the right words but I'm not really sure. I've never been in love so I don't know what that's like but this is as close as I've ever gotten to it and I hope this feeling doesn't stop.

"Get your skinny ass off my side of the bed," she said coming out of the bathroom with her clothes in her hand.

"This isn't even your bed," I said to her. She dropped her clothes on the floor and came over to the bed.

"Move," she whined. I scooted over and she climbed into the bed. She laid down next to me and wrapped her arms around me. I was sitting up on the bed now still half watching the movie. Michelle must have been tired because I looked over five minutes later and she was asleep.

Night," I said even though she wasn't going to answer.

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