Too Loud

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Quavo had two days off and after a week of begging he had me take the same das off so we could spend time together as if he wasn't gonna follow me around the whole two days anyway. He ordered pizzas and we put on some movies. He got into his favorite spot, laying with his arms wrapped around my body so that he could put an ear to my stomach. He said that he likes to listen to the baby's heartbeat but the baby doesn't like it. He's so loud that every time he says something I can feel the baby ball up and move away from him.

"I told you I have to whisper when you're right there," I said to him.

"I'm trying.' He replied.

"try harder," I said.

"we going to the doctor tomorrow right?" He asked.

"yes at 10:30," I said to him.

"and they gonna tell us what it is tomorrow." He asked. I laughed at him, he was like a little kid with all of these questions.

"if everything goes the right way," I said to him.

"What could go wrong?" He asked.

"the legs can be closed, or it can be turned around so we cant see," I said to him.

"I'm not gone be able to sleep." He said.

"you already don't sleep," I replied.

He said that he wasn't going to be able to sleep but he actually fell asleep before I did. I wanted to finish watching Titanic and he was snoring. I elbowed him until he moved over to the other side of the bed. Once I was ready to go to sleep I laid down and he moved over in his sleep to curl up against my back. If I wasn't pregnant I probably would enjoy it but I'm pregnant, I'm hot, and he's making me even hotter. I bought a fan and put it on the nightstand on my side of the bed, but even the air blowing directly in my face could cool me down.

"at least it's not the summertime," I said to myself. If it was hot outside and I had to do this I would literally melt.

The next morning, I woke up and Quavo was already awake. He popped his head into the room and once he saw that I was awake he walked out and came back with a bowl of cereal. He likes to cater to me but he can't cook. I don't mind eating cereal but he cant cook nothing more than eggs.

We ate and got ready and made our way to the doctor. I hate thee appointments. We had to wait forever, and then once we got into the room there was more waiting and he was so fidgety and nervous.

"sit down," I said to him. He pulled a glove from the box on the counter and went over to the chair next to the table I was sitting on. He started blowing air into the glove like it was a balloon. "stop it."


The door opened and the doctor walked in. We got a different doctor from the one that was at the bank. he didn't really want to deal with us after the entire mix up and I wasn't gonna argue. the new doctor, Dr. Thompson, was nice and always professional and there were no foolish nurses that were going mess something up.

"How are we doing today?" She asked me.

"we're good. He's nervous and working on my nerves." I said pointing to Quavo who had the glove blown up nearly to the size of his head.

Dr. Thompson laughed. "yeah, daddies get nervous."

"so can we see now," he asked.

She nodded and told me to lay back on the bed and lift up my shirt. She turned down the lights and put the gel on my stomach. I could have thrown up when I saw the picture of the baby on the screen. It was so much bigger than the last time we saw him.

"Do we have a preference for the gender?" She asked us.

"it's a girl," Quavo announced confidently.

"so you're sure?" She asked.

"I can feel it," he said.

"I don't really care honestly," I said. "as long as I have a healthy child."

"well...." She moved the scope around and her eyes narrowed as she watched the screen. "it looks like you were right. A little girl."

"yes!" He hopped up and let the glove go that he was holding in his hand. It flew across the room and smacked against the wall. I was happy to see him get what he wanted because it made him so excited.

Dr. Thompson really got a kick out of him being at the appointments because there was never a dull moment. She was getting ready to end the appointment but he stopped her. "wait I want to see something keep the thingy on her stomach." He said.

"okay." She said.

He moved over to my stomach and said. "I want to see if she moves." He said and she did move. She curled up and kind of flipped herself like she was trying to get away from him.

"she doesn't like you much does she?" The doctor asked.

"I tell him all the time that he's too loud," I said.

"I try to be quieter for her." He said. "I guess I just can't get it right."

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