Kind of a Date

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I was sitting on my sofa watching tv. It was Wednesday and Wednesday is the only day a week that I take off so I was planning on enjoying it, that is if Mr. Marshall would let me enjoy my day. He was always texting me and asking me questions about my childhood that I almost always avoid. He didn't want to leave me alone.

Quavious: So what are you doing today?

Me: trying to enjoy my day off

Quavious: you off today?

Me: that's what I just said.

Quavious: let me take you out somewhere

Me: no

Quavious: no?

This is the third time he'd tried to ask me out and each time I told him, no but that didn't stop him from trying to get me to let him take me on a date. He called me but I let it ring until he hung up.

Quavious: why you doing me like this?

Me: like what?

Quavious: like you don't want me near you

Me: well if I'm being honest I did actually tell you that I didn't... I changed my mind because I was being nice

Quavious: wow....but you told me to show effort so that's what I'm doing so open the door

Me: I hope you're not standing outside my apartment

Quavious: I am and I'm trying to text you with a whole bunch of shit in my hands so please open the door before I drop the pizza.

I took a deep breath and went over to the door. I opened the door and he was standing there with a box of pizza and a bunch of other bags in his hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.

"That must just be how you say hello." He replied. "You don't want to let me take you on a date so ill bring the date to you."

He stepped through the door and went straight to the living room and set everything down on the coffee table. I went over and started looking through the bag. He brought juices, chips, candy, microwave popcorn, movies, a pizza, and ice cream. Who does he think he's feeding?

"So you're not going to let me avoid you huh?" I asked him.

"Nope," he said shaking his head.

I started one of the movies that he bought and we sat down on the sofa. "You ever saw this before?" I asked him.

"No, I went to Walmart and grabbed a bunch of DVDs out the 5 dollar bin." He said.

"You supposed to be rich and you buying me 5 dollar movies," I said jokingly.

"You don't seem like the type that likes to be wined and dined and given flashy dates." He said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked. He was right but I wasn't about to admit that to him.

"Because you're always home and you always refuse to come out with me. I'm just assuming that it's because you don't want to be caught out with me in public because of the people." He said.

"And you do?" I asked him.

He looked over at me. "What do you mean?"

"You don't mind going out in public and letting people see you with some random pregnant girl. What would your fans think?" I asked him.

"They not gone like it," he said with a shrug. "But this is my life. I'm not gonna stop my life cause I'm famous and they don't like to see me with a female."

I leaned forward and opened the pizza box, plain cheese, so I know that he knows how to listen. I grabbed a piece and sat back against the back of the sofa and started to watch the movie. He grabbed a bag of chips from the table and quieted down to watch the movie. Not even five minutes later he leaned against my shoulder. His weight didn't bother me but he knows that I don't want him that close to me. I like my space.

"Uh," he said. "Would you mind? Is it okay...uh?"

I looked over at him and he stared back at me then his eyes shifted down to my bump and back up to my face quickly. "What?"

"I mean I talked about this with my sister and my mama and they said that babies can hear us, like if you talk to them." He said.

I nodded. "Yeah, they can. I'm 19 weeks. You know I can feel it move and it responds to voices and loud noises."

"19 many months is that?" he asked.

"Almost 5," I answered.

"Can I touch......the stomach?" he asked. I wanted to laugh. He seemed unsure of what he was asking me, or maybe he was afraid that I would snap at him or something.

I nodded. "Yeah sure." I pulled the oversized t-shirt I was wearing tight around my stomach so he could see what was a baby bump and what wasn't. He reached forward but instead of laying his hand on my stomach he just poked it. "What the hell was that?" I asked laughing.

"I don't...I ain't never like-" I grabbed his hand and laid it against my stomach. I hadn't felt the baby move in a few hours but I'm sure I can make it.

"Talk to it," I said.

"Why do you keep calling the baby it?" he asked me.

"Cause I don't know what I'm having yet," I said to him. "What else am I supposed to say?"

"Just say baby then," he said.

"Well then talk to the baby," I said.

He leaned down and placed his face next to my belly. I just sat back and moved my arms so that he had enough room and I wasn't blocking his way. He's so awkward. This is completely different from the confident superstar that he walks around at any other time. When it has anything to do with the baby it's like he clams up and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do. He introduced himself to the baby and then he started talking about how he couldn't wait to meet it and he was going to do what everything he could to take care of him.

"Why won't he move?" he asked.

"He?" I asked.

"You know what I mean," he said. "My sister said they move when you talk to them."

"It might be sleeping," I said.

"Aye!" he called out. I felt the baby jump and out of reflex, I slapped him on the forehead. "Ouch,"

"You scared it," I said.

"You ain't have to hit me like that," he sat up holding his forehead. "That wasn't cool."

"Well don't yell at my baby no more," I replied.

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