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After about three weeks of texting and playing nice with this girl, I finally got her to settle on a place. She turned out to be a complete health freak and the hot yoga was just the tip of the iceberg. The restaurant that she chose was a vegan restaurant. Now, I didn't want to be caught off guard like I was with the yoga shit so after she told me she was a vegan I had to look it up. She don't eat or use anything that comes from any part of the animal so I guess we finna go eat some salad or some shit.

She didn't want to let me pick her up because she said that she didn't know me well enough to give me her address so she sent me the address to the restaurant and the time to meet her there. I got there first and honestly, I was kind of scared that she wasn't going to show up because it took her a while to get here.

"did you find the place okay?" She asked with a big smile.

"yeah, I pass by here all the time but I never stopped." I replied. "imma be honest. I'm not a vegan and im not really interested in being one, cause I like chicken you know, but for you, I'll try it."

She smiled then looked down at the fake candle that was set on the table in between us. She leaned forward on her elbows and rested her chin on her hands. "What the hell do you want from me?" She said in a serious voice.

I was kind of shocked. I had never heard her speak like that and honestly, it was kind of scary.

"What do you-"

"I know who you are, and I know who you're related to. What do you want?" She said to me.

"I uncle needs you, to tell the truth," I replied.

"I am telling the truth," she shot back. All of the confidence she had in her voice was gone. She was lying and she knew it.

"What are they giving you?" I asked her. "Whatever her lawyers are paying you we can give you way more than tha-"

"I like my job." She shot out.


"if my boss losses this case everything is going to fall back on me....honestly it's my fault cause I dropped the papers and I might have mixed up the labeling for the samples, but I don't know. I had already messed up so many times before and I didn't want to lose this job like I lost my other job over stupid little fuck-ups so I agreed with whatever they told me to say but in reality, I don't know if it was just the papers that got messed up or if it was the samples themselves. There's a chance that the original donor that she chose could be the babies father, but we won't know until the DNA test is done."

"if you don't know then why are you lying?" I asked.

"I'm not from here?" She said. "my family immigrated from Mexico when my mother was pregnant with me. I was born here so im the only one of my family that's legal. I support myself, and my parents because they don't have the papers to be able to work and they cant even speak English. I have to do what they say or else im not gonna be able to take care of my family."

Her face was serious, like just talking about that drained the happiness from her whole body. He finished dinner without saying much of anything else. I didn't know what to say. If I get her to confess then she aint gonna be able to work and take care of her family. We need to prove that she's lying but we cant just take her whole life away from her life that.


"So, we have a problem." I said as I stepped into the living room after coming home from the dinner. Quavo was waiting for me to get back because he wanted to know what happened. He had been texting me the whole time I was on the date but after she dropped that bomb on me I stopped responding.

"What?" He asked me.

"They got her locked down." I said. "her parents are illegal and she supports her whole family off her paycheck. If she tells the truth shell lose her job and they gone blame this whole thing on her to save their own ass. She not gonna be able to work."

He raised a hand and scratched the back of his head. "we could pay her off."

"she still gonna lose her job." Michelle said. "in order to get her to confess we gonna need a long-term solution not just a lump sum of money."

"we can just get her another job." He said with a shrug.

"you said that like that's gonna be easy. She's an LPN do you know how much they make."

"uh, I'm Quavo do you know how much I make." He got up from the sofa and walked out of the room without another word. I looked over at Michelle and he looked just as confused as I was.

"Where is he going?" She asked.

"I dont know, that's your uncle."

"you the one who made him crazy. I aint never seen him act like this before." I said to her.

"What do you think he's gonna do now?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know but knowing him he'll figure something out." 

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