Let it Be

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I don't like to toot my own horn or anything but I'm a problem solver. If there's something that needs to be done I can find a solution when no one else can. This girl is in a bind because of her family situation but we could easily just pay her whatever she's getting from her job in order to get her to talk.

"No, I'm not doing it." She said as she slid the contract back over to me. I just offered this girl the job of a lifetime and she refusing. She's turning down a personal assistant job to one of the biggest stars out there because she wants to work for a doctor who treats her like shit.

"this is the offer of a lifetime and you-"

"I like my job," she said. "you're trying to pay me off so that you can get your way but I told your cousin i don't know what really happened."

"he's my nephew,"

"he's annoying," she shot back. "but I already told him. I got into the vault and mixed up some papers. One was a stack of samples that were supposed to be thrown out and the other were supposed to be pulled to be used for other patients. You aren't the only case like this and ever since this got to the news five more women have come up to the office demanding tests to prove that the sample they got is the one they asked for. This isn't just about you. If I switch sides I'm going to ruin the lives of everyone who works at the office not just me. You got enough money to pay off an entire staff of nurses and doctors?"

I didn't say anything. I just sat back in my chair and watched her stand up.

"there is a big chance that the baby is yours, but I have a feeling you wanna stop this because you're scared of the test." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"you don't want them to get in court and then they test the baby and it turns out not tobe your after you already got attached." She swung her purse onto her shoulder and pushed her chair in. "you're gonna be okay. The baby is going to be yours no matter what the test says."

"you can say that because it isn't you," I said to her.

"You try very hard to control every aspect of your life. You use the money that you have to make people bend to your will. This is different. Children are different." She said.

"really? What makes you think you know so much?" I asked her.

"I watched plenty of women go through pregnancy and one thing I noticed is that children act on their own free will. They come when they want, they sleep when they want. Eat when they want and they make us work on their time. That's why having kids is so hard because you don't do for yourself anymore you have to spend all of your time focused on someone else."

"what does that have to do with the court case?" I asked her.

"leave the court case be." She said. "enjoy your child." She turned and started to walk away but I stopped her. 

"My nephew is a good dude, you should really give him a chance," I asked her. 

she nodded. "I'll think about it," she said with a laugh before she turned and walked away

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