Room 101 Article

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Room 101 Article


Fakes are people who try to like things or copy others to be popular but I don’t feel this is right because you should have your own identity that tells people about you and not another person who has different views from you. Also they practically have nothing to say about themselves when they probably have loads of interesting qualities about them that they could tell the world about. The popular/interesting people that they might try to copy only got to where they are by telling everyone about them and making their name known to friends and other people. On the other hand they might not want people to know who they really are and are satisfied with an isolated life in the shadows of their role models or the person being copied. Consequently they play the lead role in their life story as someone else and not themselves even though they have every right to be whom they wish and not someone else.


Having been born in South Africa I saw poverty on a daily basis, on the way to and from school and at shopping malls, and it is sad to have to know that someone else is suffering when you live a happy, healthy life. However poverty isn’t always caused by the sufferer but by the government, which is the case in South Africa and a lot of other countries. Poverty is a very sad ordeal and no one’s enemies deserve to live through any of it. In addition to the fact that it is an upsetting subject to cover it can be prevented and helped by donating money or finding a better government to run the country and spend any money, that they might have, with more caution and care than other presidents might have.

Pop Music

I dislike pop music because everything is changed and auto-tuned so anyone like Justin Beiber or Rebecca Black can make a career out of music even if they aren’t as talented as their fans think they are. Some people don’t appreciate their music and don’t like having to listen to them on the radio everyday. Nethertheless some people do believe that this genre of music is amazing and ground breaking and we must accept that. Therefore even if we don’t like the music we must put up with it because others might not like the music that other people like.

Chick Flicks/Rom Coms

Chick flicks and rom coms aren’t my cup of tea because they are very predictable and n some cases pitiful when you can clearly see what happens at the end. They, to me, are the easiest stories to explain because you know what’s going to happen at the end and they don’t leave much to think about at the end. On the other hand they can be very sought after movies with millions of fans watching them everyday. Many of the stories have given actors a name like Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff and some still rely on these movies to bring in their monthly greens. Consequently chick flicks are like marmite. Either you love it or you hate it.

Bad Tennis Calls

Bad tennis calls really get on my nerves because the opposite player thinks so low of etiquette that they would cheat whether it was in front of an umpire or just a one off against the opposite side of the net. It is wrong to cheat even though you’re told to do whatever it takes; I believe that stops at drop shots because it’s not right to cheat someone out of a point that is rightfully theirs. Furthermore people do still disgrace tennis etiquette by doing this everyday and it’s part of the game that you find a player that has to cheat to win against you. In conclusion it shows you how much confidence they have on court and against you but some people are just bad at calling the ball and can call your ball out when it isn’t. You must then ask them if they’re sure and if they are leave it at that, if it happens continuously then call for an umpire. Never cheat back because then you’ve sunk lower than they have. 

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