Apple Pips Grow Into Trees In Your Stomach! (Short Persuasive Essay)

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Persuasive Essay-Apple Pips Grow Into Trees In Your Stomach!

Deep in the pit of your stomach, do you know what’s growing there? Only mothers know the truth, they’ve tried to educate their children but no one will believe their desperate pleas. It’s time people knew the truth; it’s time people became aware of the thing developing in their digestive organ.

It’s the truth, every time you swallow an apple pip; an apple tree matures in the depths of your insides. Maturing with every seed you swallow the tree can grow to massive proportions and with no way of stopping the foul creature, mothers around the world have unsuccessfully attempted to inform everyone of the secret that has evaded the history books for years. There is only one thing that is stopping this from becoming a global phenomenon, the fact that no one believes them and the governments are trying to cover it up. No one believes approximately 2.3 billion mothers in the world, this is absurd!

Surely such an advanced generation like the one that we all live in wouldn’t be so ignorant as to just over look a potentially life threatening problem. If people were aware of this momentous breakthrough, it would strike fear into the hearts of the people, the people who buy the millions of apples grown around the world and therefore ruining the picking and trading industry for one of the most popular fruits. That might be the excuse from the governments and officials but what’s going to happen when patients are admitted to hospitals with severe bellyache or the outline of branches visible through the lining of peoples stomachs, then what are they going to say.

A life lesson for everyone; when your mother says eat an orange because it’s good for you, don’t ask for an apple instead.    

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