Chapter 5 | Luke's POV

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"Beau shut the hell up, no one cares about the sand in your shoes." I told him.

"He won't shut up if God asked him to." Replied Jai. At this time Beau turned around and gave him a sort of mocking look as he slapped the bottom of his shoes together.

"I'm leaving, I don't know when I'll be back.

"Where are you going?" asked Jai.

"Stacy's for dinner."

"Who's Stacy?"

"No you idiot. Stacy's Road House."

"Oh. Alright, bye."


I left out the door, excited to see the girl who swayed her hips and danced with me. To think that someone like her glued themselves to someone like me. Now she, had some moves, looks, humor, and a body.

- I arrived at the restaurant before them, but I only waited two literal minutes which seemed to fly by like seconds. I greeted Jasper with a pat on the shoulder, and a wink to Alice. Her eyes widened and her eyebrows rose, but soon replied with a smile.

We were taken care of and sat at a booth. Me and Jasper on one side and Alice on the other by herself.

"So, Luke." I heard from Jasper.


"What do you want to eat?"

I shrugged.

"How about you Alice?" he asked her.

"I just fucking sat down give me a minute." She bit back not looking up from the menu. Damn.

After a couple minutes she broke the silence and said, "I'm getting the Seafood Medley with pasta. How about you guys?"

"I'm getting the steak with string beans and corn bread." Answered Jasper.

"Ew. Vegetables." Alice announced. I chuckled. She was cute. Her almost light brown hair , hazel greenish eyes.

"How about you, Luke?" she asked me.

I looked down and scanned the menu. Nothing. I then looked at the kid's menu. Nothing. "I'm just going to get some penne in vodka sauce, not that the sauce tastes better than the actual thing but." they both chuckled at my explanation. "Agreed." I heard her say through her chuckle.

The lady took our orders and left us all doing something to pass the time. Alice was coloring in her extra kid's menu focusing on her shades and lines, sticking a bit of the tip of her tongue out. Jasper was trying origami.

I stared at her. The way she did things. Then I looked up at her face, and she caught me. Her elbow on the table, upright , and her fist on her cheek. Her eyes staring up at me. She didn't have an emotion in her face. We stared at each other for at least 10 minutes, Jasper to busy folding and raging to notice. I bet she had questions.

We were interrupted by the waitress , landing down our food.

After a few minutes of digging in I heard a soft "Shit." . I looked up from my plate and saw Alice with sauce from the corner of her mouth to her cheekbone. Both me and Jasper started to laugh. She, still with a straight, face, wiped it off. She missed a spot.

"You've got some right here." I told her. Touching the spot on my face. I then began to toy with her. "Right here." "Then over there." "Tsk. Over here."

She realized what I was doing after that. She raised and eyebrow with slightly closed eyes, making her face say 'Really?' . Jasper laughed and I smiled. We continued to eat .

"Dessert anyone?" Alice asked.

"Let's all share one." Jasper offered. I nodded.

"What do you guys want?" she asked us. "I don't care." From Jasper. And a "Same." From me .

She ordered warm apple pie in a chilled glass with vanilla ice cream. It looked just as good as her.

We all dug in, Alice enjoying every bite of me. I mean the dessert. Well I could've been too. Or she could be mine. I need to stop.

After five mintues, the whole thing was gone, all three of us licking our spoons.

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