May 3rd. 45

201 2 0

Everyone but Daniel and the twins sat in my living room while I got dressed with Valentina,
including Ariana Grande. Somehow we decided she's coming over because she didn't want stupid papz at the place, which I'm perfectly fine with both.

I sat there not knowing what dress to put on, shoes, make up, anything.
I was completely blank, not knowing why emotionally and physically.

Valentina left after trying to comfort me, faking that she succeeded.
But soon enough I was wandering through my closet in my robe.
Everything was dark, my clothes I mean.
Burgundy, purple, black, white, grey. A shade of everything.
The lightest things I owned were my worn out jeans, every pair with a rip and tear.
I slammed the wardrobe's door, sitting on my bed and clutching the chunks of my damp hair on the side of my hair.

Of all days why no-
A knock at my door caused me to jolt and turn my head.
"Come in." my voice cracked.
My door creaked open and I saw the slim girl poke her head through in her white dress.
"Need help?" she smiled softly, thankfully not the way her fans portrayed her.
I turned back around, head in my lap.
She walked in and sat on my bed, her perfume filling my nostrils which pleased me.
Her hand circled softly on my back, until she clutched my shoulder lightly with her tender hands to pull me up.
I looked at her, explaining and emptying softly trying not to cry, and her expressions stayed in such a way that I understood how Jai had been so attracted to her.
A stranger Id only known for a few days, no matter how long I've known her name, was sitting in my room giving me a shoulder to lean on.
My room was dark, from everything being closed.
We sat in silence, where she put her arm around me and squeezed briefly before getting up and opening the curtain, turning the white lights on, everything.
"You have only one source of happiness and we need to find more."
Her ponytail whipped around as she moved swiftly, and I got up to stand by my closet.
"Pick anything, because Luke fell in love with you for you."
She said, turning and winking before she walked out with a soft giggle we exchanged.
I turned back and opened the doors,
Filtering one last time.

I pulled out a white dress set that had pink, purples, blacks, and magentas in a smoky kind of style, white heels to match.
My self esteem grew in 15 minutes,
Thanks to Jai's picking.

I got dressed and put plum lipstick on, with my black eyeliner and mascara.
My hair was in beach waves and my fingers were dressed in rings. It felt good to be dressed up, no matter how many times I did it.

I walked out of my bedroom, approval from everyone, ready to go.
My Mercedes matched both me and Ariana, who sat back seat with Valentina and James, Beau in shotgun because he felt cool.

We cruised down the highway, laughing at James's argument with Beau on who's present was better.
The street lights washed over the car, as we passed casinos and clubs, but we finally got to the one we wanted, the one reserved for us.

We went in and hung up every banner, ornament, employees helping us with food and drinks. Once everything was done and half the people were here, I stood on the steps, pleased with my planning.
19 year old twins were soon going to be here and this is going to be party of the year.

Alrighty hey 🙋🙋
Happy Fat day aka Nov 1.
Plans for I guess so : the party for Luke & graduation and then something that might lead to another book .
Yeah? No? ok.
Keep readinngg 😘😘


I bustled about, pacing like a caged tiger from all the nerves in my stomach.
Daniel had texted me saying they'd be here in 2 minutes, and I'm in a kitchen.

I finally mustered up the strength to get out and grab one of those microphones, since there was 300+ people here.

I grabbed a wireless one, Ronnie helping me out and grabbing one himself. We climbed up the stairs and turned them on quieting down the place. Ronnie's voice came through the microphone,
"Hey! Alright! Thank you guys for being here, it means a lot, to all of us . And now we have to hurry."
"Because guess who texted me that they're gonna be here in two minutes, two minutes ago?" I rhetorically asked, but of course Beau didn't know that.
"Yea actually. Turn they lights of and get your cameras on!"
We turned off the microphones, turning all the lights of with a switch.
We waited another minute or two, Daniel being Daniel , three.

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