But I Want To ➼ .23

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"Why can't you accept them?!" Luke harshly spoke, a look of plead and annoyance on his face.


"I don't give a fuck if you can't, I'll spoil you enough to make you sick, not because you ask, Because I want to Alice!"

"Luke just please."


"Fine, I'll let you spoil me, even if I'll get fed up an sick of it." I said.

"Thank you." he said, kissing my cheek.

"Let's go get stuff for you." I chirped.

"I already did, I left them with the boys."


"I've got 300 to spend on you." I came to an immediate halt, people and Luke passing by me like jets.


"Alice lower your voice." he said, walking back to me.

"I'm sorry but no."

"You just sai-"

"I know what I just said! I meant you can spoil me with compliments and occasional gifts an little corny pick up lines."

"Those too."

"Where are you getting all this money from?"

"Mom sends us all."

"Luke, this is the first an last time you spend money on me like that."

"Okay. C'mon pick a store."

"Can I save the money for some other time? I've kind of already got what I want."

"Sure, let's meet up with the boys." he said, dialing up one of them.


I made my way through the door, heading straight for the shower.

"Let's try and make it there on time tonight?!" Jai yelled out. Dinner reservations at eight.

I was making my way into Luke's room to get undressed, but I was stopped at the sight in front of me.

"Really?" Luke was only in his boxers.

"You know you love it." I did.

"No I don't." I said, peeling off my clothes until I had only my undergarments on. I strolled over to the bathroom door, stopping when I heard his voice.

"I'm sorry to say that our water bill is to high, so we'll have to save some and take one together." he said, walking over slowly.

"Well then, I'll be waiting." And I walked off into the shower, pulling the door closed behind us, all of our clothing now sitting by the shower door.


"Move over you bum, you're hogging the mirror." I booty bumped Luke to the side.

"You've got a nice one."

"Shush. I still can't believed that just happened."

"Well believe it because it did." He childishly grinned. I grabbed the heated curling iron and gave myself big curls that got smaller towards the end. I had picked out my flowy black and white jumper suit and a black leather biker jacket that went with the shoes I bought today. Luke was dressed in a nice collared white shirt with some jeans and his vans , along with his snap back.

I did the same make up as earlier, except the eyelashes got more dramatic and my lips became a burgundy. "Where are we going?" I asked like a little girl.

"Fiorello's ."

"The garlic pizza there is so good."

"So is everything else." He said, causing us both to smile and giggle.

"So, tell me about your mom." I said after moments of silence while we both groomed and pampered our looks. I turned and leant against the counter, crossing my legs.

"She's amazing." He said, looking at me in the mirror. "Her name's Gina. She lives back home in Melbourne, working. She comes to visit us once or twice a month, but she won't becoming back until May, for me and Jai's birthday. Then she'll stay for two weeks, and we'll be back to our normal visiting schedule."

"When's your birthday?" I asked.

"May 3rd.  Yours?"

"April 16."

"That's in a week in a half!"


"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because, now back to you. "

"Fine. Um... But you know everything."

"Not everything."

"Okayyyy my favorite color is blue."


"I'm half Italian half Australian."

"Minchia." I cursed

"Alice. That is not okay."

"Vaffanculo." I smiled. He let out a loud laugh.

"What's so funny?" The boys popped into the bathroom.

"Alice." He smiled.

"What she do?" Beau asked.

"She cursed in it-"

"Sta 'zitto!" I yelled. Beau and Luke laughing and the others grinning.

"C'mon we gotta go, it's almost eight." James said.

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