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998 reads.

nine hundred nintey eight reads.

nine. hundred. ninty. eight. reads.

Tysm for absolutely everything. Some people like to exaggerate on it, but let's keep it real.

that's 16 kids less than the amount in my school. I see 998 of people everyday, and that's how many people have read I Guess So.

I love you.


"No! Oh my gosh! So this one time, me and Alice were sleeping over our grandma's house, and when we're going to bed, our grandpa decided to give the dog a bath." Adrian said with a large grin on his face. Our meals were finished and our plates were in the sink.

"Which dog?" I asked.

"Zoro." he laughed. Oh my Gosh that dog was absolutely nuts.

"So my grandpa comes up the stairs from the basement with this little giant baby sized black and white, thing , that's squirming to get out of the towel. And Alice's dumbass decides to chase the dog through the house, and she's freaking thirteen with a sprained ankle because she smacked into a wooden table and her toes look like they're bent in everyway possible."

"It's not my fault! He was running one way and then bolted the other way with no warning!" I laughed along with the others.

"You were the one chasing it!" Jai yelled.

"Yeah but still!" I laughed. The night had gone very well. It seemed as if we all knew eachother forever. Adrian had already made the boys laugh with tears in their eyes with constant jokes and stories and the way he said things. My uncle treated them like they were his own, and my aunt was already like a mother, calling everyone 'baby'.

"I remember when I was sitting at home in like, what? Sixth grade was it?" Beau said, looking over to his brothers. "One of them came home with a bloody nose and the other was convinced it was ketchup." He finished pointing over to the twins.

Jai shot up, now sitting upright with his forearms on the table. "That was Luke." he said with wide eyes. "I came home and that was the day Luke got to stay home because of pink eye and he came out of the kitchen to give me like a power ranger or some shit and he flat out says, 'Why do you have ketchup on your face?' with the most confused look ever."

At this point I was in hysterics. it reminded me of a time I went out to eat with Luke.

"How am I the only one who doesn't remember this?" Luke said, leaning back in his chair, arms folded with one hand out, eyebrows furrowed.

The laughing got a little louder and then I interrupted it.

"Oh but do you remember when you choked on a piece of pepperoni for a full minute before anyone realize you were actually choking?" I said through tears of laughter.

"Yes..." he blushed. A couple more giggles were exchanged until I got up from the table and let them talk.

I got out the cake I had managed to run home to make late last night, since it tasted amazing if you let it sit for a long period of time. I got it out of the fridge, taking the lid off of the cake platter I had set it on as I built the cake and piped it. I heard footsteps next to me when I realized Luke had came into the kitchen with a pack if candles, but soon figured out it was just an excuse to come find me and press me into the counter and do nothing other than leave kisses down my neck.

"Luke stop." I giggled. I pushed him away with my bum and opened the pack of candles, placing them all around the cake.

"Turn the lights off." I whispered as I stuck in the last little candle. He turned them off and helped me bring the cake to the dining room. One by one, we all began to sing happy birthday. I bent over an placed the cake in front of my uncle, feeling a set of eyes on something I didn't want to feel them on. John sat back chuckling, his arm around his wife's chair and the other in his lap.

"Happy birthday to youuuuu." we finished. He blew out the candles and we all cheered.


Daniel and Beau helped me put everything in the kitchen, and my aunt insisted on cleaning them all up. We decided to let her since we knew it was the only way she'd stay in the mood she was. I escaped with the two onto the patio where everyone was crowded by a little mini bonfire, laughing and teasing as everyone had their drinks,

And John was smoking. The smell of the burning ash filling my nostrils.

I need a cigarette.

I tried to ignore it and made my way into a little white plastic chair. trying to cover my nose with out looking obvious.


I can't take it. I was chewing on my lip and my leg was shaking. I got up and bolted for Luke's room, snatching a cigarette from the pack my uncle left on the table. I rummaged around my bag, flipping the wolf blanket onto the bed and going through my things for a lighter. I finally found one and I lit the cigarette, hurrying over to the window to satisfy my needs.

I Guess So || Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now