Save it. 40

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Holy fuck . Remind me not to take the bottle with me next time. I groaned awake from the pounding in my head, and I crunched over from the sudden cramp I had in the middle of my stomach. No, not period cramp, just a cramp that limited my movement to nothing. I flipped the covers off of me and clentched my teeth and my hands over my stomach.

The cramp released and I slowly tried to get off the bed, gasping at trying think about the pain I had just experienced.

I heard a deep breath being inhaled, and my name being moaned.

"What's wrong?" He said, his morning voice croaking. "Nothing, I-I don't know, go back to sleep." I replied. Something told me he hadn't even heard what I said since he seemed to already be back to dozing.

I examined myself in the mirror I found myself standing in front of, realizing I had only my undergarments on. Hurry up and put something on ya little slut. I chuckled at the comparison I said to myself and hurried for the first things I could find. I scrambled around and picked up the shirt Luke had on last night, then grabbing a pair of yoga shorts from my bag, even though I don't do yoga.

I headed downstairs, greeted by a half naked Marina on the couch, groaning from God knows what. Well, she wasn't half naked, she had pants on, and a bra. I quietly placed myself beside her, startling the blonde girl.

"So who's you get it in with?" I smirked, my voice croaking low from just waking up, making me sound like a cougar that's been smoking since 13.

"Shut up." She said, but then she smiled. "James."

My eyes widened and I shot my head her way. "I thought he was with Valentina?!"

"Oh he was."

"So then how did yo-" I stopped as soon as I caught her drift. "You little slut." I gleamed. "Three ways are never the answer."

We let out laughing snikers as we tried to be quiet. "Stop stop stop my head hurts." She said as she choked on her laughs. "Mine does, too." I replied through ending giggles. "I didn't have a three some you idiot. It wasn't even with James. But it was with someone else with the same Inital." She smirked.

Jai? No. Oh my lord. Can you imagine what that would be like? Oh don't tell me I'm jeal- no. Stay focused.


"yOU DID IT WITH JASPER?" Her hand immediatly clamped over my mouth.

"Yes, so shut the fuck up." I began giggling. I peeled her hand off my mouth. "Where is he?" I asked.


"Basement?" I implied.

"Ew no you sicko. Car."

"Passenger seat?"

"This is getting off topic." She said, causing us to giggle. "Beau got it in too, he called Kristina over after everyone went to bed."

"Someone's jealous. And who's Kristina?"

"Who do you think? His chick fling thing."

"Oh." I giggled.

"Can you get me an asprin or something?" She said, almost reading my toughts as I clutched my head.


I got up, filing through the cabinets until I found something I wasn't hoping to find. They were blue, that's all I'm saying.

I picked up the container next to it, which read 'pain killers' over the cap. I slid it over the counter, away from me. I wasn't going to even take one, no matter how bad my headache got. I'd just wait it out.

I Guess So || Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now