Chapter 1

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So I've had this story on here for a while. Let me know what you think and if you think that I should continue it. Thanks.

Tris POV

I slide to the floor. I feel something warm on my neck and under my chin. Red. Blood is a strange color. Dark. From the corner of my eye, I see David slumped over his chair.

And my mother walking out from behind him.

She is dressed in the same thing she wore the last time I saw her, Abnegation gray, stained with her blood, with bare arms to show her tattoo. There are still bullet holes in her shirt; through them you an see her wounded skin, red but no longer bleeding, like she's frozen in time. Her dull blonde hair is tied back in a not, but a few loose strands frame her face in gold.

I know she can't be alive, but I don't know if I'm seeing her now because I'm delirious from the blood loss or if the death serum has addled my thoughts or if she is here in some other way.

She kneels next to me and touches a cool hand to my cheek.

"Hello Beatrice," she says, and smiles.

"Am I done yet?" I say, and Im not sure if I actually say it or if I just think it and she hears it.

"That is up to you," she says. "You have one more chance to start over, go back, but it won't be the same." I want that. I can save everyone. Al, Will, and her. But also, I can be with Tobias. I jump into to her embrace. I hug her for what seems like an eternity and then it happens. I see him.

Tobias POV

After talking to Cara, I can't do anthing except stand still. She's dead. All I want is one more kiss, one more 'I love you,' but she's gone. I want to cry.

Sometime, I don't know how long it has been, I decide to go see her body. As I make my way to the weapons lab, I feel something grab me. David.

"I'm not letting anyone in there," he says as he pushes me against the wall. I escape his grasp without much difficulty. I enter the lab and see her on the table. I kneel beside her and grab her hand.

Something hits my side and pain courses through me as I fall the floor. He shot me. David shot me, just like he did Tris. I get to be with her. I smile at the thought as I slowly drift away.


When I open my eyes, I am somewhere new. I assume it's heaven. I look around and see her. She is hugging her mother. She sees me and tears well up in my eyes. She is with me. Wherever we are. We are together.

"Tobias?" Her voice is weak and barley above a whisper. "Why are you here?"

"I went to see you, and David, he shot me. We are dead right?" I ask, still very confused. She just hugs me and cries into my shirt.

Her mother speaks up, "Yes, but as I was telling Tris, you have one more chance at life to make things better. Or you can stay here. It's your choice."

"Can we go together?" Tris asks with hope in her eyes.

"Of course," Mrs. Prior says, smiling.

We both nod and then everything goes dark.


When I wake up, I am at the net. Wait what?

I hear Lauren behind me say, "I bet you it's a Dauntless-born." That really just happened. I'm back to Tris's initiation. And she is here too. I hear Max's voice, but I don't know what he's saying. All I care about is what will happen in a few seconds.

"I don't know, Lauren," is all I say. I know who jumps first.

Seconds later, I see a ball of gray fall from the sky. She hits the net and laughs hysterically. I love her so much. I reach my hand over the net, and she takes it instantly. She looks so different, being fresh from Abnegation. She just smiles at me. I feel an urge to kiss her, but I have to pretend that I just met her. So I play along.

"Can't believe it," Lauren says. "A Stiff, the first to jump? Unheard of."

"There's a reason why she left them, Lauren," I smirk, knowing exactly why. She doesn't think she is selfless enough for Abnegation, even though she is the most selfless person I know. "What's your name?" I ask with a wink.

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