Chapter 20

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Tris POV
I wake up in Tobias's bed alone. His smell still lingers on the sheet beside me.

I sit up and see a note on his pillow. I read it.

I went to go talk to Max. There was an um... situation. I'll tell you about it when I get back. Just stay here. There's no training.

A situation? Then it hits me. Edward. Of course. It didn't work. He still got stabbed and he is still going to end up factionless.

Tobias POV
"I'm sorry," Max says. His eyes are wide, and he looks bewildered. "What?"

"I would like to be a leader," I repeat slowly.

"Why now?" he asks. "It's been two years and you haven't been interested. So why now, huh?"

"I just realized that it wouldn't be a bad idea. Being a Dauntless leader is a privilege, and I feel stupid for not accepting it sooner." I am lying through every word.

I have no interest in being a leader, but it could make stopping the war a little bit easier.

"Are you saying this just to get Eric to leave?" he asks. "Because he would still be a leader alongside you."

"That's not the reason."

"Okay." Max smiles. "I'll think about it. Meet me in my office not my apartment tomorrow for an answer."

I nod my head and leave, really hoping this plan will work.

Tris POV
I must have fallen back asleep because before I know it, I hear Tobias' voice waking me.

"Hey," I say, yawning.  "I saw your note. How did it go?"

"Okay, I guess," he says.

"What were you talking to him about?"

"I told him that I wanted to be a leader," he says.

I raise an eyebrow at him and ask, "Why?"

"Think about it," he starts. "If I'm a leader, I might have a chance at getting into Erudite. Being a leader will give me access to things, and I might be able to stop the war."

I smile at the idea, amazed at the fact he thought of that.

"Tobias," I say, starstruck. "That's a great idea" Then my smile falls. "What was the 'situation?' Was Edward stabbed again?"

"Not exactly."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well," he says. "Someone was stabbed, and it wasn't Edward. Also, it wasn't an eye, just an arm. So no need to panic. They won't be factionless. They should be back in the dormitory tonight."

He's scaring me, so I ask carefully, "Who was it?"

"Tris," he says. "Christina was stabbed in the arm last night while trying to protect Edward."

"What?" I can't believe what he's saying.

"She's fine. I promise. She might even be back by now." he looks at his watch. "You should get something to eat. Head back to the dorms afterwards."


I sit with Will as we eat cake. Apparently Al is asleep like last time. Christina is out of the infirmary, and she's fine. Her arm is wrapped up in a bandage. She decided to just stay in the dormitory.

"Why did that happen?" Will asks, and I shrug. If I say anything, I might give something away. "I just don't get it."

I say the same thing as before, "The most ridiculous part is, in any other faction it would be brave of us to tell someone what happened. But Dauntless...bravery won't do us any good."

"Have you ever read the faction manifestos?" asks Will.

"You have?" I already know the answer, but I need a conversation in order to keep my mind off of other things. "Oh. Of course you have. Never mind."

"One of the lines I remember from the Dauntless manifesto is, 'We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.'"

Will sighs.

He doesn't need to say anything else. I know what he means. Especially now, after everything that I have been through.

I believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another. I really do, especially with the knowledge I have of the future.

And I must say still, It is a beautiful thought.

A/N: So... I wanted to end it here. I'm sorry about chapter 13. I'm honestly not sure what happened. It got deleted, but luckily I had the chapter, so I fixed it.

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