Chapter 17

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A/N: Hey, long time no see. I have been having major writers block, but I'm back. If you have any ideas please let me know. I would really appreciate it.

Tris POV

After an extremely difficult dinner, still trying to keep my Divergence a secret, I make my way to the dormitory for stage one rankings. My heart is beating out of my chest. This could go several ways.

My ranking could be the same because Tobias doesn't want things to change. But Eric helps with the rankings, so that probably isn't the case. My rank count also be higher. At the same time it could be worse, but worst of all, I could be above Peter.

If I'm above Peter, I could end up like Edward. Thar leads to another problem, I have to figure out how to keep Edward awake, so Peter could possibly be stopped. Maybe I could get Christina to help?

As I enter the dormitory, Drew shoves me into the wall to get past me. My shoulder grazes the stone, but I think little of it and keep walking. I have other things on my mind.

Just like last time, I'm too short to see over the crowd. I eventually find and open space, and stand on my tiptoes. Tobias has the blackboard on the ground laying against his feet. It is facing away from us.

He has a piece of chalk in his hand and begins talking. "For those of you who just came in, I'm explaining how the ranks are determined," he says. "After the first round of fights, we ranked you according to your skill level. The number of points you earn depends on your skill level and the skill level of the person you beat. You earn more points for improving and more points for beating someone of a high skill level. I don't reward preying on the weak. That is cowardice."

This time, that can't be directed towards Peter because I beat him. I guess he just said it because he has too.

"If you have a high rank, you lose points for losing to a low-ranked opponent."

Molly lets out an unpleasant noise, like a snort or a grumble. Peter rolls his eyes. I stifle a laugh, and I see Tobias smirk from the corner of my eye.

"Stage two of training is weighted more heavily than stage one, because it is more closely tied to overcoming cowardice," he says. "That said, it is extremely difficult to rank high at the end of initiation if you rank low in stage one.

"We will announce the cuts tomorrow," The fact that you are transfers and the Dauntless-born initiates are not will not be taken into consideration. Four of you could be factionless and none of them. Or four of them could be factionless and none of you. Or any combination thereof. That said, here are your ranks."

He hangs the board on the hook and steps back so we can see the rankings. My heart beats even faster as I slowly will myself to look.  As soon as my eyes land on the board, my heart stops.

A/N: I know it's short, but I thought this was a good way to end it. Remember to comment and vote. And please give me ideas. Thanks

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