Chapter 13

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Tris POV

Tomorrow is visiting day, and I know that I will have to talk to my mom about what's coming so she can protect herself and the rest of Abnegation. I can't lose her this time.

I haven't seen Tobias since he stormed out yesterday, although I haven't made much of an effort to. He is probably furious at me. I don't blame him, I mean, I would be too.

When I try to pull my pant leg over my thigh, it doesn't budge. How did I forget that this would happen? At least my muscles are starting to form again. I groan to myself and wrap my towel around my body. I quietly make my way to the dormitory. I really hope that by some miracle, Peter and his minions aren't in there this time, but as usual, luck isn't on my side.

I walk to my bunk, trying extra hard not to get noticed, because I know what will happen if I do. I fumble for the dress that I bought with Christina, making sure to keep one hand clamped around my towel. I stand up and see Peter standing behind me. Not again.

I jump back, almost hitting my head on Christina's bunk. I try to slip past him, knowing that my efforts are pointless. Once again, he slams his hand against Christina's bunk. There is no way to escape now.

"Didn't realize you were so skinny, Stiff," Peter taunts.

"Get away from me." My voice is somehow steady even though I know what is coming.

"This isn't the Hub, you know. No one has to follow a Stiff's orders here." His eyes travel cruelly down my body, nothing like the way that Tobias looks at me. My heart is pounding as the other's slowly form a pack behind Peter.

I wish that there was away out. I don't want to be exposed again. But it's too late for that.

I see a clear path under Peter's arm from the corner of my eye.

"Look at her," says Molly, crossing her arms. She smirks at me. "She's practically a child."

"Oh, I don't know," says Drew. "She could be hiding something under that towel. Why don't we look and see?" Please no.

I try to duck under Peter's arm and dart toward the door, hoping I make it this time. Something pinches my towel and yanks it off my body. Peter. Tears sting behind my eyes and the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, as laughter erupts.

I run down the hall and to the bathroom as fast as I can, holding my dress against my body to hide it. I can't believe that I let this happen again. I lean against the door, breathing hard. I close my eyes.

I try to tell myself that it doesn't matter and that I don't care. But I do. That's the thing.

A sob escapes my mouth and I clamp my hand over my lips to contain it.

I slip on the dress and look at myself in the mirror. I really hope that I get to fight Molly again this time because I want to hurt them, any of them.

I stare into my own eyes. I better be able to fight her again, because if I don't, I will hurt one of them in my free time.

A/N: I don't know what happened, but somehow this chapter got deleted. Sorry about that. This explains why I lost readers.

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