Chapter 8

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Tris POV

At lunch, Eric told us about our field trip to the fence. Afterwards, Christina dragged me shopping. We look around and she makes me buy all kinds of makeup. Most of which, I have no clue how to use. She pulls out clothes saying, "You will look so cute in this," and squealing at everything she pulls out.

After many more hours of shopping, we finally make our way back. We've missed dinner, so we go straight to the dorms. We both go to our bunks and lay down.

In about an hour, everyone's asleep. I grab Christina without saying anything. This is it, I think to myself. Time to tell my best friend my biggest secret. We head down the hall to Tobias's apartment in silence. I don't knock, just open the door, and drag Christina inside.

"Four!" I yell.

"Coming!" he shouts back. Moments later, he walks into the room. He gestures to his bed telling us to sit.

"What's going on?" Christina asks confused.

"Listen," I say, pulling her head so I'm looking into her eyes. "Christina, you have to promise not to tell anyone what you're about hear."

"I promise."

"Here it goes," I say. "I know this may seem completely insane, but it's the truth." She nods for me to continue. I take a deep breath. "Four and I are from the future. I mean on the outside, we're from here, but our souls are from the future."

"What?" Her eyes are wide. "I don't understand."

"It's okay. We died and got offered a second chance. We know everything that's about to happen before it happens."

"You're not lying," she says. Sometimes I forget that she was Candor.

"No," Tobias says. "We even know your biggest fear."

Her eyes get even wider, if that's possible. "W-what?" she stutters.

I laugh and reply, "Being afraid of moths isn't that big of a deal."

"I've never told anyone that in my entire life. If I didn't believe you before, I definitely do now."

"Look," I say seriously now. "I'm not going into much detail, but there is a war coming. The morning after initiation. During this war, many people die." I can see tears forming in her eyes. The thought of a war is scary. "All of the Dauntless are injected with a serum. It puts everyone under a simulation. Everyone except the Divergent." Tobias and I raise our hands.

I continue, "Erudite and Dauntless leaders send the mind controlled Dauntless to Abnegation. Christina, you became a murderer because of this. So did I, and I wasn't even under the simulation. We need your help to stop this."

"Of course," she says. "Is the war how you two got together?"

"No," Tobias says. "We got together right after stage two, and have been together ever since."

"How long after this did you die?" she asks.

"Oh," I say. "It would only be a couple months from now."

"Okay. Anyway, continue Tris."

We explain everything that matters to her, which is hardly any of it.

"You two should get going," Tobias says and I give him a quick peck on the lips.

"Aww how cute," Christina says sarcastically. "Let's go Tris."

"Okay. See you tomorrow, T-Four." Christina and I leave and go back to the dorms.

"Thank you for trusting me with this, Tris," she says.

"It was no problem. You have proven that you can be trusted. Just remember that no one can know about this."

"They won't. I promise." We get to the dorms and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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