Chapter 23

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Tris POV

I'm standing in a familiar field. The field with the dry grass that comes up to my waist. The field with the grey sky and the smell of smoke. I cringe as I wait for the first talons to attack me.

My heart beats faster as I hear fluttering. A shadow swoops above me, and I scream when my it lands on my shoulder. Slowly, more crows begin to land on other parts of my body as well.

I shake and flail around trying to get them off even though I know it's useless. I grit my teeth to keep myself from crying out.

I twist and fall to the ground. The crows begin clawing at my face and I can only form one thought, please just make it stop.

"Help!" I yell over and over again.

Just as I start to give up, accepting the fact that I'm dying, I remember. This isn't real. Tobias' voice rings in my head as I remember the words he has told me so many times. Slow your heart rate, and do not manipulate the simulation.

So, that's what I do. I close my eyes, and I try my hardest to ignore the crows' talons attacking me. My breaths even out, and I find that I am calming down. I let the crows do whatever they please until I decide to open my eyes again.

When I do, I'm sitting in the metal chair, staring into my boyfriend's eyes. A sob escape me, and I cover my mouth with my hand.

He slowly stands up and makes his way towards me. He wraps his strong arms around my shaking body and whispers, "It's okay, Tris."

I nod and pull away. "I don't know what happened."

"It's completely understandable," he says. "You we're losing control, and your brain couldn't form logical thoughts."

"So," I say, changing the conversation. "You got the job?"

He chuckles and nods. "We'll talk about it later. Come to my apartment tonight."

I nod, peck his lips quickly, and leave the simulation room without another word.

Tobias POV

"Uriah," I call as soon as Tris leaves the room.

He stands up and follows me back inside.

"Have a seat," I say gesturing to the chair. He sits down slowly, looking nervous.

"A simulation?" he asks.

"Yep," I reply almost emotionless, although I do let a small smile form at the sight of him alive and well. "You know the saying, 'face your fears?' We're taking that literally. The simulation will teach you to control your emotions in the midst of a frightening situation."

I finish getting everything ready and walk towards him.

I explain, "I can see what you see on the computer. When I inject you, it will transmit the data." I push the needle into his neck gently. 

Uriah swallows as soon as I remove the needle.

"The serum will go into effect in sixty seconds. This simulation is different from the aptitude test," I say, repeating the same thing I say to everyone. "In addition to containing the transmitter, the serum stimulates the amygdala, which is the part of the brain involved in processing negative emotions—like fear—and then induces a hallucination. The brain's electrical activity is then transmitted to our computer, which then translates your hallucination into a simulated image that I can see and monitor. I will then forward the recording to Dauntless administrators. You stay in the hallucination until you calm down—that is, lower your heart rate and control your breathing."

Uriah is Divergent, but if I remember correctly, nothing happened in his first sim that would give him away. He was like Tris, although I don't remember what his fear was.

As I see his eyes close, I walk over to the computer.

Uriah is standing outside of the Hancock building at Dauntless amongst a group of people. They are all looking at the roof.

There are five people. I'm not sure who they are, until I hear familiar words that make my heart clench.

"We have a message for the Divergent," I hear from above. "This is not a negotiation. It is a warning." What?

A scream escapes Uriah's lips as he tries to run forward, but he is stuck in place. "No!" he screams.

"Every two days until one of you delivers yourself to Erudite headquarters, this will happen again." the voice says again. Uriah is in hysterics as three of the five step forward. The two other people, who I assume are Tris and Christina, grab the smaller two people on the sides, causing the girl in the middle to jump.

"Marlene!" Uriah screams. The simulation lets him run towards the now lifeless body. He cries aloud. "Not again! I'm so sorry."

I am majorly confused. How did this happen exactly like it did in real life? There's no way it was random. He said again, as in it has happened before.

Then it hits me.

When the simulation ends, Uriah sits up abruptly. He has his head in his hands.

"Uriah," I say, needing to hear him confirm my thoughts. "Follow me please."

He nods and stands up, following me into the hall.

"Care to explain what that was?" I try not to say my thoughts out loud. It isn't easy.

"I-I um," he stutters out. "I'm scared of losing Marlene. Tha-that's it."

"Maybe," I say, knowing that isn't the full truth. "Why that sim specifically?"

"Four," he sighs. "You can't repeat what I'm about to tell you. Not even Zeke knows."

"I won't."

"I've done it all before." Uriah's voice is barely a whisper as he tries to keep in the emotions that I know are trying to escape him. "I died, and now I'm repeating everything again. That exact thing happened in my past life, and I just can't do it. Four, bad things are happening."

At that my thoughts have been confirmed. He is like Tris and I. He knows what is going to happen, and he can help.

"Thank you, Uriah. You can go back to the dormitory." That's all I say before turning on my heel, preparing for Drew's simulation. He is the last one.

Then I can get Tris and Uriah, possibly Christina too.

We are going to settle this thing.

Hopefully for good.

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