Chapter 30

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Tris POV

It's been four days. It's been four days since Tobias, Uriah, and I decided that we're going to tell Jack Kang about the attack. It's been four days since the Erudite released two more articles about Abnegation.

Our plan is slowly coming together. Details are being worked out. We decided that instead of lying and making up a story, we would just tell Jack everything. We're well aware that truth serum will probably be involved, and everyone will know our secret, but it's a risk we are willing to take.

The articles that were released discus the same topics as last time; withholding supplies and government failure.

In the first article, the Abnegation are once again being accused of withholding luxuries from other factions. The article claims that it's a way for them to fake their selflessness in a way.

The second article mentions the failings of choosing government offices from only Abnegation. It explains how, according to the Erudite, the selfless are the least likely to run the government correctly.

I'm walking through the tunnel that I know well by now. Although, I haven't walked it since I first re-entered the compound, my feet seem to know exactly where to go. I run my fingers gently along the wall of the tunnel, collecting dust on my fingertips. This murky tunnel seems to be the best place for me to think. Alone.

I reach the end, and I find myself in front of the net I have landed in twice now. It stretches across the hole, the same as it always has. I climb onto the familiar wooden platform where Tobias had stood both times I've fallen from roof. I pull myself onto the net with ease and roll to the center just like I did the last time I was in this situation, troubled by the same articles.

People always talk about deja vu; the feeling as if something has happened before. Some people believe in it, others don't. These past few days, after the articles, I've felt a different kind of deja vu. The things I'm experiencing have happened before; it's not just a feeling.

Just like last time, my friends have been there for me. They've been there the same way as before. After the first article was released, Christina once again managed to get cake batter from a chef in the dining hall. After the second, I re-learned a card game from Uriah and Marlene that he claimed he never taught me last time.

Now, I'm alone, staring through the gaping hole at the dark, starless sky. Sometimes being alone is the only way to feel better. This time, I have more on my mind, troubling me, than just Erudite's stupid accusations. I'm also thinking about the war, and our plan to stop it.

What if it doesn't work? What if no one believes us, even with the truth serum? I shake my head to clear the thoughts.

I want to live life as a Dauntless member, not spend that time running. I want to have a life with Tobias and my friends. I want that video to stay a secret, and never meet David. I want to stay in the city and not go to the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.

In the past four days, I have faced four fears; some were the same, some were different. I was no longer afraid of Peter and the fire. People's words no longer bothered me. Instead, I found myself in that annoying box, slowly filling with water.

The next fear was the same as before. I was in the middle of the ocean, waves crashing rapidly around me. In the third, I watched Al die, instead of my family. I was reminded of how- last time- my friend killed himself because of me. The fourth fear changed only slightly. I was still being held at gunpoint and told to shoot my family, but Tobias was there also.

Still staring into the sky as a gush of cold wind takes over, I hook my fingers into the net, letting a sigh escape my mouth. I close my eyes. My mind actually stills and the troubling thoughts leave my head for a brief second before they come crashing over me once again.

I hear a cough from the platform below me,  causing my eyes to open. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. This didn't happen before. No one found me.

I can't see the person until the net is pulled down slightly, like it was when I jumped on Choosing Day. It feels even more like that memory when I realize who interrupted my alone time, and I can't help but smile.

"Mind if I join you?"

My smile widens and I smile, scooting over to give him room. He climbs onto the net and lays beside me, wrapping an arm around protective around my body. Instinctively, I find myself cuddling closer to him. I breathe in his scent, and I once again forget about the troubling thoughts.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.

Tobias chuckles lowly. "I didn't. I was just walking around, thinking, and I found you."

"You didn't go to the Chasm?"

He shakes his head. "It's not the same anymore. That's our spot now; not just mine, and it feels weird without you there." He rolls onto his side, and I do the same. Our eyes connect. "What are you doing here anyway, Tris?"

"The same thing as you really," I say. "I was thinking. Tobias, what if something goes wrong? What if we can't stop the war?"

He kisses my forehead. "If what we planned doesn't work for some reason, we'll figure it out. We always do."

I nod. "I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too." After the words leave his mouth, he presses his lips to mine. In that moment, all of my worries and fears go away and it's just the two of us.

I am his, and he is mine. And it has been that way all along.

A/N: Aren't my babies just adorable? I really wanted another Fourtris chapter, and I think this turned out cute. Happy 2019 to all my readers. I hope you guys have the best year yet. <3<4

Much love, Bree.

Word count: 993
Updated on 01/03/19

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