Chapter 24

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Tris POV

I knock lightly on Tobias' door and wait for him to answer.

The door opens, and he smiles when he sees that it's me. He pulls me inside and closes the door.

"Hey," he says grinning.

"Hi," I reply.

Before I can register what is happening, his lips are on mine.

"I missed you," he says.

I just laugh and pull away from him saying, "You saw me earlier."

"I know." He smiles and grabs my hand, sitting us on his bed.

"So," I start. "Now that you're a leader, do you want to tell me how exactly you plan on stopping the war?"

"Yeah," he starts. "But there's something else I need to figure out. I'm waiting on someone."

"What?" I ask, confused. We're supposed to be talking about how he plans to do this. "Tobias you can't just-"

I am interrupted by a knock on the door. "I'll get it." He kisses me lightly on lips before standing up and making his way to the door.

"Hey," I vaguely hear Tobias say.

"Hey, Four," another voice says. "Why did you tell me to come here exactly? If you want me to explain more about what I told you, it's not happening."

Wait. That's Uriah's voice. Why did he call Uriah? And what is he talking about?

"Just come with me," Tobias says.

They step in and soon I see that I was right. It is Uriah. When he says me, his eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Tris?" he asks.

"Uriah?" I ask just as confused.

Uriah nods and asks, "Four, what's going on?"

"You see," Tobias says looking at me. "Uriah told me something very interesting."

"Four!" Uriah yells. He's clearly angry at Tobias for saying anything. What is going on?

"His simulation today was of Marlene jumping off them Hancock building while under a simulation," Tobias explains.

"Okay?" I ask. Why do I need to know?

"Tris," Tobias says. "Marlene was on the roof with two other people. They were saying something about a message for the Divergent."

That's when it hits me. "You mean Uriah-" I'm cut off by Tobias nodding.

"What is going on?" Uriah asks. "Why was that important?"

"Uriah," I start. How do I ask him if he died? It's not a normal question. "Have you done this before?"

"Done what before?" Uriah asks.

"Life," I say. "Did you die? Have you been through things that no one else has? Did you get a second chance at life?"

"How did you?" He seems nervous and very confused.

"I'm the same way. So is Four," I say. "We went through the war. We were there when Marlene jumped."

"That's why I pulled you aside to talk after your simulation," Tobias adds. "I saw it happen."

"What?" Uriah questions. "So I'm not alone? How did you guys, um, die?"

"Well," I say. "I went into the weapons lab to release the memory serum. David shot me. Then he shot Four when he came to see me. My mom was there and she gave us another chance. I guess you died soon after us."

Tobias sits beside me and pulls me to his side.

"So.What's the plan then?" Uriah asks.

A/N: Writers. Block. Is. Killing. Me. Guysss. Please comment some ideas on how to stop the war. It will most likely be explained in the next chapter. I love you peoples.

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