Chapter 25

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A/N: Before I start this chapter I want to give a shoutout to the people who helped make this chapter possible. Thank you girl_with_the_bread and Helia9805 for your ideas. I also have to give a shoutout to @Contiga on I tried to cooperate all three of your ideas, and this is what happened. ENJOY!

Recap: "So.What's the plan then?" Uriah asks.

Tobias POV:

"Here's what I was thinking," I say. "I'm a leader now, so I have access to things I didn't have in the past. That's the only reason I took the job. I have access to everything that the leaders do so-"

"Wait!" Uriah yells, causing me to stop talking. Tris and I raise our eyebrows, waiting for him to continue but he doesn't.

Tris rolls her eyes and asks, "What is Uriah?"

"Is there anyone else like us?" he asks. "Does anyone else know?"

"Well," Tris says. "As far as I know, we're the only ones who have been through it because we died so close to the same time. Christina knows my secret, but she hasn't lived it. She wouldn't be able to help with the planning."

"Oh. Okay," Uriah says. "Continue."

"Gladly," I say. "Anyway, I was thinking that maybe I could pretend I found something on the computer. Possibly even go as far as typing something up about the war plans. If I dig deep enough, I might be able to find the actual serum or something that would be suspicious. Then we could go to Abnegation and warn them. Tell them we found something, and they need to be careful. That way they know something is coming.

"Tris, the best thing to do would be to warn your parents. If it comes down to it, we tell them our secret. Only if they don't believe us or whatever. Is that okay?" Tris nods, answering my question.

I continue, "After that, I say we take the information to Candor. I don't know if it will work, but the Erudite and Dauntless who are responsible will probably be given truth serum. We may be put on trial also though. If that's the case, our secret might be leaked, but I think it's worth it. Rather or not people figure out about us, the war will be stopped. We can live the life we were supposed to live."

"I think it could work," Tris says. "Besides, I'm able to fight the truth serum. I can lie under it. If only one of us has to go under, it should be me. If all of us do, maybe we can still keep our secret. You're both Divergent too."

I nod, and Uriah smiles.

"Do you really think this'll work?" Uriah asks. Tris and I both nod. "Well, I'm in. Four, get the information, and we can head to Abnegation."

"How long do you think it'll take to get what you need?" Tris asks me.

"I'm not sure," I reply. "But as soon as I get enough information, I'll let you both know."

A smile breaks onto all three of our faces, and we release a breath.

This is really happening. We're going to stop the war. Tris and I can have a life together.

Tris looks up at me. You can see how happy she is in her eyes. Her light blue orbs seem to brighten just a little, and I press my lips to hers. I couldn't be happier than I am in this moment.

"Guys. I'm still here," Uriah says, causing Tris and I break apart, laughing.

All to soon, the laughter stops. It's time to get serious.

It's time to get this plan in action.

A/N: If the whole plan thing didn't make sense, please let me know.

Breanne. 💕

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