Chapter 27

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Tris POV

In. Out. In. Out.  I breath through my nose as I prepare for my next simulation.

Tobias smiles at me and takes my hands in his. And as if he notices my panic, he says, "It's okay, Tris. You'll get through it. I know it's hard, but you can do it."

I nod, but it doesn't help with my nerves. I've seen too much. My fear could easily be something that will give me away. I close my eyes, and I feel Tobias inject the serum into my arm.

I open my eyes, half expecting to find myself in a glass box slowly filling with water, but I was so wrong. Instead, I'm outside. Dauntless soldiers surround me and the sound of gunshots fill my ears. I hear a scream and turn my head to see an Abnegation on her with a Dauntless soldier holding a gun to her head.

My head is spinning and I can't think. This is too real. I can't do this. Not again.

Just then three people appear in front me, and when I see their faces, my heart almost stops.

In front of me are my parents along with Will. No.

Gunshots are heard from behind and my parents fall to the ground. Dead. That's when I feel something cold in my hand. I look down and see a gun. I shake my head as my arm raises the gun, and I've lost all control of my body.

The simulation forces my aim at Will's head and my finger pulls the trigger. Will joins my parents on the ground.

I scream.

As more gunshots are heard around me, I remember to slow heart rate. How did I forget? It's a sim, but it's too real because it actually happened.

My heart rate slows and I calm down. I open my eyes and sit up in the chair. Tobias rushes over to me and hugs me.

"I'll delete it," he says. "They can't see that."

"I know," I reply. "Thank you, Tobias."

He smiles suddenly and whispers something in my ear. "Get Uriah and come to my apartment as soon as possible. I found something and it might be enough."

I nod, matching my smile to his. I peck his lips, stand up, and walk out of the simulation room without another word.

A/N: I'm not dead guys. I promise. Sorry it's short. But maybe it will tide you over until I can update again. I'm really busy at the moment, but I will try to update frequently. No promises though!

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