Chapter 29

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"That's it!" I scream. "This is perfect proof." I grab Tobias and plant a quick kiss on his lips.

"Guys," Uriah's voice groans from behind us. "I'm still here."

I just laugh and look back at Tobias' computer screen in the control room. Somehow, he managed to find the formula for the simulation. He also analyzed it, and sure enough, it's the attack simulation.

"What do we do with it?" I ask nervously.

"Well," Tobias answers. He scratches the back of his neck and sighs. "We could do one of two things that I can think of."

I nod, telling him to continue.

"We could make up some kind of story as to why we would be looking. The downside is that if we want something to be done about it, we would have to take it to Candor. Then we'd probably be put under the truth serum.

"The second option is we go on record. Rather it be to Jack Kang or all the factions. We tell what we've been through, and explain that that's how we knew we would find something. With that, we'd probably still be put under truth serum because, well, it's not a very believable story."

I pucker my lips and reply, "So basically what your saying is, either way is probably going to end up with us exposing our secret and truth serum?"

"Pretty much." Tobias sighs and rests his head on his hands.

"I'm in," Uriah speaks suddenly. Tobias and I look at him. "I don't care which option we choose. I just need this war to be stopped. Last time, I lost almost everyone I cared about before I died. We can prove this. We can get them arrested. You'd be in charge then, Four. You're a leader."

"I'm in too." The words leave my mouth before I can think twice.

"Think about it," I say, looking at my boyfriend. "If we did this and made you the only leader, Dauntless would be so much better. Not only would you go back to fair training where initiates can concede and stuff. You would make the faction a safe place for Divergents. No one would have to worry about their secret getting out to the leaders because you wouldn't hurt them. You'd even protect them."

Tobias just sits there. He still seems unsure.

"Come on, Four," Uriah says. "It's not like people knowing our secret could hurt us more than what will happen if we don't this."

At that, Tobias finally smiles. "You know what? You guys are right. Count me in."

A/N: MY WRITERS BLOCK IS FINALLY OVER YOU GUYS! This update is way overdue. I hope you enjoyed it anyway!


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