Chapter 9

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Tris POV

I wake up to Christina shaking my shoulder. "C'mon," she says. "Up and at 'em."

"Ugh," I say.

Christina laughs."I'll go get us some breakfast. I'm exhausted you know that? It's your fault, Tris."

I just roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at her. I get dressed and when I come back, Christina is standing there with two muffins in her hands. "Thanks," I say as I take one of the muffins from her.

"Now come on," she says. "I don't wanna be late."

We walk together to the train in silence. When we get there, Will yells, "What took you so long?"

"Trissy here wouldn't get up," Christina says.

I glare at her and only half jokingly say, "Shut up."

We all jump on the train and Tobias helps me up. I look over at Peter and realize that he is completely ignoring me this time. I smile.

Will walks away and sits on the other side of the train with Al. Christina and I sit alone by the door. we pass the wall and immediately, I think about what's on the other side. Last time, I was joking around with Christina and Will about there being monsters.

Now I know that there is a monster.

A monster with the name of David.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Tobias asks. When did he get there?

I simply reply with, "David."

"Tris," Tobias says sternly. "If everything goes as planned, we won't even have to see him this time." No one can hear us because, we are speaking very quietly and no one is paying attention. Christina looks very lost. I guess we forgot to mention David. "Oh, Christina I guess we skipped that part. David is the leader of the Bureau that we told you about. He is the one who killed us."

"Oh," is all she says. Tobias stands up and walks away. We are silent the rest of the ride.

The train stops and we all jump out. I don't look at the fence that's in front of me. Too many bad memories.

"Follow me," Tobias says and leads us to the gate. "If you don't rank in the top five at the end of initiation, you will probably end up here. Once you are a fence guard, there is some potential for advancement, but not much. You may be able to go on patrols beyond Amity farms, but-"

"Patrols for what purpose?" asks Will.

Tobias lifts a shoulder. "I suppose you'll discover that if you find yourself among them. As I was saying, for the most part, those who guard the fence when they are young continue to guard the fence. If it comforts you, some of them insist that it isn't as bad as it seems."

"Yeah. At least we won't be driving busses or cleaning up other people's messes like the factionless, Christina whispers in my ear.

"What rank were you?" Peter asks Tobias.

"I was first," he replies.

"And you chose to do this?" Peter asks with wide eyes. "Why didn't you get a government job?"

Tobias hates that question. "I didn't want one," he snaps.

"Beatrice?" an Amity boy asks getting out of a truck. I turn around. Robert. I forgot about this part.

"Oh," I say. "Hey Robert." I want to avoid this conversation so badly. From the corner of my eye, I see Tobias makes fists at his sides. Is he jealous? Of Robert? Why would he be jealous? He knows how much I love him.

"Beatrice?" Molly asks. "Is that your real name?" This time, I just ignore her.

"There's no need to antagonize her," Robert says softly. "I'm Robert, and you are?"

"Someone who doesn't care what your name is," she says. "Why don't you get back in your truck? We aren't supposed to fraternize with other faction members."

"Why don't you get away from us?" I snap.

"Right. Wouldn't want to get between you and your boyfriend." She walks away smirking. I can see Tobias trying his hardest not to act out against that comment.

Robert gives me a sad smile. "They don't seem like very nice people."

"Some of them aren't."

"You could go home, you know. I'm sure Abnegation would make an exception for you."

"What makes you think I want to go home?" I ask, my cheeks hot. "You think I can't handle this or something? I'm doing just fine ya know."

"It's not that." He shakes his head. "It's not that you can't, it's that you shouldn't have to. You should be happy."

"This is what I chose, and I have never bee happier in my life." I look over Robert's shoulder. The Dauntless guards seem to have finished examining the truck. The bearded man gets back into the driver's seat and closes the door behind him. "Besides, Robert. The goal of my life isn't just... to be happy."

"Wouldn't it be easier if it was though?"

"Bye, Robert," I say angrily. He gets in the truck and leaves. I can't believe he said that. I have never been happier in my life than I have been since I first joined Dauntless. I have my friends, and I have Tobias. That's enough for me.

The guards lock the gate that is keeping us inside the city of Chicago. We board the train and head back to the compound.

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