Chapter 10

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Tris POV

It has been two days since I beat Peter. Today I fought Myra. I beat her with ease, but I still don't feel good about it. How could I?

I climb into bed fully dressed. I also told Christina not to change or fall asleep because it's pointless. When she asked me why, I just smiled and told her to wait and see. I am so excited for tonight. Because tonight is Capture the Flag.

As soon as my head touches the pillow, the door bursts open, revealing some Dauntless members.

"Everyone up!" Eric growls. Everyone including me scurry to our feet. "You have five minutes to get dressed and meet us by the tracks. We're going on another field trip!"

I turn to Christina who like I said, didn't change. "Understand now?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"What's happening exactly?"

"We are playing Capture the Flag. No more questions."

We run to the tracks and are the first to arrive. We wait as the others slowly pile in after us.

"Everyone grab a gun!" Eric shouts. We all rush toward the pile of guns and grab one. "Time estimate?" he asks Tobias.

Tobias checks his watch. "Any minute now. How long is it going to take you to memorize the train schedule?"

"Why should I, when I have you to remind me of it?" asks Eric, shoving Tobias's shoulder.

The train comes and we all jump on. I know where I'm going, I think.

When everyone is in, Tobias says, "We will be dividing into two teams to play capture the flag. Each team will have an even mix of members, Dauntless-born initiates, and transfers. One team will get off first and find a place to hide their flag. Then the second team will get off and do the same." The car sways, and he grabs the side of the doorway for balance. "This is a Dauntless tradition, so I suggest you take it seriously."

"What do we get if we win?" someone shouts.

"Sounds like the kind of question someone not from Dauntless would ask," Tobias answers, raising an eyebrow. "You get to win, of course."

"Four and I will be your team captains," Eric says. "Let's divide up transfers first, shall we?"

"You go first," Tobias says.

Eric shrugs. "Edward."

Tobias doesn't even hesitate before saying, "I want the Stiff."

Laughter fills the car. Heat rushes into my cheeks, but this time, I don't care.

"Got something to prove?" Eric asks with his trademark smirk. "Or are you just picking the weak ones so you have something to blame it on when you loose?"

Tobias shrugs. "Something like that." I know his strategy this time.

They continue to pick until the teams end up the same.

After they finish, Eric smirks at Tobias and says, "Your team can get off second."

"Don't do me any favors," Tobias replies. "You know I don't need them to win."

"No. I know that you'll loose no matter when you get off," Eric says. Yeah right, I think. "Take your scrawny team and get off first then."

We stand up. Al gives me a forlorn look. I try to smile back in a reassuring way. This time though, I am even happier that out of the four of us, he was the one who ended up on Eric's team.

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