Chapter 7

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Tris POV

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulders. "Tris, wake up. You need to go to the dormitory and get dressed." I open my eyes to see Tobias standing over me.

When I stand up, I see the words 'Fear God Alone' written on the wall. I am in Tobias's apartment. Apparently, he sees the confused look on my face because he scratches the back of his neck and says, "Last night, you fell asleep, so I- um- brought you here. I hope you don't mind." He's embarrassed that he brought me here. He's cute when he blushes.

"It's fine," I say and give him a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm going to go. I'll talk to Christina and seen when we can tell her. I'll let you know what I find out. Bye. Love you." With that, I leave his apartment and head to the dorms.

To my surprise, everyone is still asleep. Everyone except Christina that is. I groan and ask, "What is it with you and worrying about my business?"

"Tris," she replies. "I just want to know what's going on with you."

"Come with me," I say and lead her to the restroom in case the other initiates wake up. "I know that it was you I saw in the training room the other day." She blushes. "It's okay. I just want to know what you saw and heard."

"Okay, I heard you and Four talking about the fights. I heard something about last time and to leave them the same. Then he kissed your cheek, said 'I love you,' and left."

"Listen, I have a lot to explain. Tonight, after everyone's asleep, we'll go to Four's apartment and I'll explain it all. Is that okay?" She nods and we head out. When we get back, I am not at all surprised by what I see.

Peter did it again. The word "Stiff" is written all over my bed.

Peter stands behind me, whistling as he fluffs his pillow. It's hard to believe that I could hate someone who looks so kind, but I do.

"Nice decorations," he says. I ignore him and Al comes to help me and Christina with the sheets.

"Ignore him," Al says. "He's an idiot, and if you don't get angry, he'll stop eventually."

"Yeah. Did you talk to Will?" I ask quietly. I know he has. "After... you know."

"Yeah. He's fine. He's not angry," Al sighs. "Now I'll always be remembered as the first guy who knocked someone out cold."

"There are worst ways to be remembered. At least they won't antagonize you."

"There are better ways too." He nudges me with his elbow, smiling. "First jumper."

I clear my throat. "One of you had to get knocked out, you know. If it hadn't been him, it would have been you."

"Still, I don't want to do it again." He shakes his head, too many times, too fast, and sniffs. "I really don't."


We then head to the training room, and, once again, I'm up against Peter.

"Oh no," says Christina, who shuffles in behind me. When she sees the board, she crumples the muffin wrapper she is holding into her fist. "Are they serious? They're really going to make you fight him?"

"Yeah," I say. "And he deserves what's coming."

"Maybe you could just take a few hits and pretend to go unconscious," Al suggests. "No one would blame you."

"Yeah," I say. "That's not happening."

I ignore the fights, until it's finally my turn. It is about time for Peter to get what he deserves. I step into the ring and we begin circling each other.

"You okay there, Stiff?" he asks. "You look like you're about to cry. I might go easy on you if you cry." I attempt to punch him in the stomach, but fail miserably. "Come on, Stiff. Just one little tear. Maybe some begging."

"Stop playing with her!" Eric shouts.

He punches at my stomach, but I grab his arm and twist it behind his back. I begin to kick him. He falls to the ground, but quickly stands up. He punches my jaw. I stumble, but don't fall. I can't let him beat me this time. I punch him again and he hits the ground. I don't stop. I hit wherever I can. He may be unconscious, but I don't care, I keep going.

Two hands grab my arms to hold me back. 'Stop," my favorite voice says. "You've won." He leans over and whispers in my ear, "I want him dead just as much as you do, but just stop. Okay?"

"Okay," I say.

Tobias let's go and says to the group, "That's enough for today. You're dismissed. Someone take him to the infirmary."

After everyone is gone, I pull Tobias over and tell him, "I am bringing Christina to your apartment tonight so we can explain. We won't give details. You know what I mean." He nods. "We'll just tell her the basics. I'm just afraid she won't believe me. I can't loose my bestfriend."

"She'll believe you," he says. "My door is open."

I give him a peck on the lips. "I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too," he whispers back and I leave to go to the dining hall.

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